Dr. Robin Nagle Talks Trash as She Explains the Big Picture of What We Don’t Know About Garbage – Part Two

Podcast Episode 073                                 Release Date: August 5, 2016

Robin-Nagle-DSNY-InsigniaOn this podcast Dr. Robin Nagle, director of the John W. Draper Interdisciplinary Master’s Program at NYU continues her discussion about trash and how it affects our lives in big and small ways we may not have noticed. Dr. Nagle’s TED talk entitled “What I Discovered in New York City Trash” went viral, generating almost 1.6 million unique views. Dr. Nagle is a clinical associate professor of anthropology and environmental studies at New York University and author of the book Picking Up: On the Streets and Behind the Trucks with the Sanitation Workers of New York City, an ethnography of the New York City Department of Sanitation. Robin’s book is based on a decade of work with the Department of Sanitation, which included time on the job working as a uniformed sanitation worker. Dr. Nagle’s work looks at the relationship between trash and cities. Within this broader perspective, her research is focused upon the people, history, and politics impacting labors of waste. Robin is also fascinated by the many ways in which garbage is implicated in every contemporary environmental crisis worldwide. In fact, Robin views sanitation workers as Guardians who protect and insure public health and safety as well as being key contributors to economic prosperity. Professor Nagle says that the public owes a debt of gratitude to the men and women sanitation workers who help keep us safe. She suggests that perhaps because they do their jobs so well, citizens may take them and the excellent work they do for granted. You can learn more about Robin by visiting her website: https://robinnagle.com/about-3/. Her Twitter handle is @rznagle.






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