Christa Gesztesi Discusses Using Brain Gym Method for Optimal Living

Podcast Episode 108                       Release Date: April 7, 2017

Christa GesztesiOn this podcast, Christa Gesztesi, M.Ed., shares her wonderful news of how you can begin to optimize your liefestyle by using the Brain Gym method. Christa says that the Brain Gym method is a novel way for integrating body, mind and spirit for optimal living. She is the founder of Intelligent Connections based in New York City. Christa is a Licensed Brain Gym® Instructor  who has conducted trainings and taught Brain Gym workshops all over New York City and she is a tenured NYC teacher. Christa  is also affiliated with the Ephiphany Academy of Formative Spirituality which pursues excellence in the original fields of formation science, anthropology, and theology. You can learn more about Christa and how the Brain Gym method can improve the quality of your life by visiting her website




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