Dr. Constance Scharff Discusses Her Award-Winning Poetry Collection Meeting God at Midnight

Podcast Episode 134                                   Release Date: March 2, 2018

On this podcast Dr. Connie Scharff courageously shares how she came to write her poetry series Meeting God at Midnight and how her poems served as therapeutic agents of change that helped her successfully reframe her addiction story so that she could achieve and maintain long term addiction recovery. Dr. Scharff discusses painful aspects of her childhood including incest and violence by her parents—overcoming the shame and guilt often associated with this still culturally taboo subject. Dr. Scharff demonstrates what it means to recover from severe alcohol addiction, having started drinking at age 11 as a form of self medication, in order to survive and bury her pain. Her individual poems tell a powerful story of how a young girl was able to survive and overcome deep sexual traumas and later blossom into a productive member of society despite the physical obstacles and emotional upheavals she faced. Dr. Scharff helps others recover worldwide from their addictions by sharing the latest evidence-based addiction treatment research with scholars and interested others. Dr. Scharff is a board member of the Society for Consciousness Studies and is a member of the American Psychological Association. She is a life-long Girl Scout and in her spare time, Dr. Scharff rides a half-Arabian gelding. You can learn more about Dr. Scharff’s insightful approaches to addiction recovery by visiting her website: www.constancescharff.com


Robert_Bob_Wright_JrChristine_WrightDr. Bob and Christine offer customized coaching packages to individuals and groups.

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Dr. Constance Scharff Shows You the Pathway to Addiction Recovery

Podcast Episode 133                                                      Release Date: February 23, 2018

On this podcast Dr. Connie Scharff shares her heartfelt story of addiction recovery as well as the mechanisms and steps you have to undergo to reach and maintain a successful recovery. Dr. Scharff is the author of Ending Addiction for Good and Meeting God at Midnight. She is an internationally recognized speaker and author on the topics of addiction recovery, women’s health, and overcoming trauma. In her role as an addiction researcher, Dr. Scharff  brings the latest in evidence-based addiction treatment information to those who suffer from addiction worldwide. Her primary goal is to eliminate the stigma that is too often associated with addiction and other mental health disorders so that individuals in need of care will be able to receive treatment and recover. Dr. Scharff is a board member of the Society for Consciousness Studies, a member of the American Psychological Association and a member of the World Federation for Mental Health. She is a life-long Girl Scout and in her spare time, Dr. Scharff rides a half-Arabian gelding. You can learn more about Dr. Scharff’s insightful approaches to addiction recovery by visiting her website: www.constancescharff.com


Robert_Bob_Wright_JrChristine_WrightDr. Bob and Christine offer customized coaching packages to individuals and groups.

We are also available to speak to your group, association, organization, or company on topics concerning ways to improve Health, Stress-Relief and Well-being.

Contact us to learn how we may be of service to you.

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Anti-Bullying Authority Alan Eisenberg Shares His Views on Victim Blaming And Victim Shaming

Podcast Episode 132                                                    Release Date: February 16, 2018

On this podcast, bullying recovery authority and life coach Alan Eisenberg discusses the relationship between victim blaming and victim shaming in the context of rape and sexual abuse and bullying. Alan says that similar processes are involved in terms of what it takes for a victim to come forward with their story regardless of the circumstances. He indicates that it takes courage to tell your story of sexual abuse or bullying since speaking up can mean being attacked because your story is not believed or you can be seen as a trouble maker for “rocking the boat.” Alan is the host of the acclaimed podcast series “Healthy U” and the author of the anti-bullying memoir A Ladder In The Dark: My Journey from Bullying to Self-Acceptance and the novel Crossing the Line: A Cautionary Bullying Tale. Alan is currently producing an anti-bullying documentary film entitled Climbing Out of the Dark. The conversation on this show among Alan, Dr. Bob and Christine covers the unfortunate circumstances surrounding the sexual abuse of USA Olympic athletes, the One Billion Women Rising movement as well as the #TheirTimeIsUp and #MeToo movements. Statistics from RAINN.org indicate that 33% of rape victims seriously contemplate suicide and 94% have PTSD symptoms. Rape, sexual abuse and bullying can have devastating effects of family, friends and co-workers. Lean into the conversation to learn how prevention and healing can help victims move past denial and overcome their fears. You can learn more about Alan and his unique approaches to bullying recovery and healing by visiting his website: http://bullyingrecovery.org




Robert_Bob_Wright_JrChristine_WrightDr. Bob and Christine offer customized coaching packages to individuals and groups.

We are also available to speak to your group, association, organization, or company on topics concerning ways to improve Health, Stress-Relief and Well-being.

Contact us to learn how we may be of service to you.

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