Coach and Attorney Gerry J. Tucker discusses the importance of a nightly practice of gratitude, affirmations, reading and self-reflection so that you can have a life filled with blessings and peace – Part One

Podcast Episode 050                                                        Release Date: 2/26/ 2016

Gerry_Tucker-7533On this podcast Certified Professional Career and Life Coach and attorney Gerry J. Tucker shares her inspirational messages from her recently released book entitled BEDSIDE CHAT: A Book of Inspiration and Meditation. Seven years ago Gerry began writing Bedside Chat for 100 of her closest friends.  Each month a newsletter filled with inspirational messages would be mailed to her friends.  During this time she also wrote poems for Mahogany magazine and articles for the Villager Newspaper and the Austin-American Statesman newspaper.  She has taken the content of the newsletters and articles and created Bedside Chat. Gerry’s mission is to “help bring about a profound change for the better in the lives of other souls; to assist them in re-defining their goals and objectives, evaluating how to make choices for positive change. GOD and I working together can do this.” Whether serving on non-profit boards, managing human resource problems, writing articles and newsletters or conducting workshops, Gerry’s passion is working with women to achieve their dreams.  As a spiritual, career, and life coach, Gerry does individual, private coaching helping individuals tap into their purpose and passion in order to create a more fulfilling life. She graduated with a Juris Doctorate from the University of Texas at Austin, master’s degree from Howard University and bachelor’s degree from Fisk University.  She maintained a private practice for many years.  Since that time she has served as an education administrator specializing in human resources. Gerry is a Certified Professional Career and Life Coach and enjoys writing and creating the space for individuals to redesign their life through defined goals and taking a spiritual approach to life.


Adam Timm Shares Strategies for Lowering Your Workplace and Home Life Stress – Part One

Podcast Episode 049                                                     Release Date: 2/19/2016

AdamTimmOn this podcast Adam Timm author of the #1 bestselling books Stress Is Optional! How to Kick the Habit and Dispatcher Stress: 50 Lessons on Beating the Burnout speaks about how he overcame the debilitating chronic stress he experienced as a tenured 9-1-1 Dispatcher for the Los Angeles Police Department. As a retired 10 year veteran of one of the busiest Dispatcher agencies in the country, Adam experienced years of migraine headaches, ulcers, and personal challenges on and off the job. His experiences allowed him to develop a step-by-step program to help himself and others stop the stress and live healthy lives again. Adam’s stress reduction program for the Los Angeles Police Department contributed to a 45% decrease in annual sick time usage, and his stress resilience training for Emergency Dispatchers has been delivered around the country. Adam is a regularly featured keynote and breakout session speaker at APCO and NENA conferences, and has co-presented stress management learning modules in California POST certified classes since 2012. Adam is a board certified Stress Management Consultant and holds a B.S. in Organizational Management. To learn more about Adam and his work visit his website:

Dr. Robert Wright, Jr. and Christine Wright, M.A. Discuss How You Can Have Authenticity in Communication

Podcast Episode                                                    048 Release Date: 2/12/2016

On this podcast Dr. Bob, The Stress Relief Doctor and Christine Wright, co-hosts of the Learn to Live Stress Free podcast series discuss the power of authentic communication for business and intimate relationships. They cover the key components for authentic communications and show you how to have more clarity when you speak so that you avoid unintentional misunderstandings or sending the wrong verbal or non verbal signals. Dr. Bob and Christine’s demonstrate how you can more better results by increasing your awareness of the other party’s perspective by using the right tone, volume, syntax as well as body language as you speak with others. They also emphasize the importance of becoming more aware of cross cultural inter personal aspects so that you do not offend nor misunderstand others. Dr. Bob is an author, speaker, writer, and wellness trainer. He is a Certified Open Focus Trainer, a Certified Practitioner of Ericksonian Hypnosis, a Certified Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic-Programming (NLP), and a Certified Seminar Leader. He published the first study to show a correlation between grief, stress, and nitric oxide flatlining and grief recovery, stress reduction, and nitric oxide spiking. Christine Wright is a teacher, writer, speaker and coach. She is a double NYU graduate, holding a B.S. degree in Dance Education from NYU’s Steinhart School, and a Master of Arts degree in Interdisciplinary Arts from the NYU Gallatin School. Christine is a Certified Seminar Leader (ASLA), and a Certified Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic-Programming (NLP). Christine is skilled in the use and application of the Law of Attraction and is also a Master Practitioner of Ideokinesis, the body alignment technique used for facilitating ease and flow in movement. To get coached by Dr. Bob or Christine or to learn more about how they can help you achieve your goals visit their website

Dr. Joe Serio Shows You How to Overcome Fear and Live Your Dream – Part 2

Podcast Episode 047                                                           Release Date: 02/05/16

Joe SerioOn this podcast Dr. Joe Serio continues to show you how you can discover and dissolve the major sources of fear in your life. He lays out the inner terrain for the concepts of procrastination and perfectionism—how these two behaviors can destroy your effectiveness and keep you from reaching your goals if you do not meet them head on. Dr. Joe goes into great detail describing how the Fear of Public Speaking works—providing you with key tools so that you and reduce or eliminate any fear or anxiety you may have associated with speaking in front of others. He also provides listeners with his formula for successfully reframing your behaviors in your favor: Event + Response = Outcome. When you use Dr. Joe’s behavioral formula, you no longer have to be reactive or feel out of control when someone gets “up in your grill!” Dr. Joe is an international speaker, trainer, and author who holds a Ph.D. in Criminal Justice from Sam Houston State University, with a specialization in Leadership and Organizational Behavior. His career is highlighted by unique experiences in the former Soviet Union investigating the Russian mafia, including a year spent working in the Organized Crime Control Department of the Soviet national police prior to the collapse of the USSR. Dr. Joe started his own company assisting foreign corporations in Russia and later became a consultant to the New York-based global corporate investigation and business intelligence firm, Kroll Associates. Soon, he became the director of the Moscow office of Kroll, overseeing investigations across the former Soviet Union. While in Russia, he was also a consultant to major U.S. and European media companies and helped produce three documentaries for A&E’s Investigative Reports. He is the author of the critically-acclaimed book, Investigating the Russian Mafia. The first two books in his Get the Nerve® Series are Overcoming Fear: 50 Lessons on Being Bold and Living the Dream and Public Speaking: 50 Lessons on Presenting Without Losing Your Cool. To learn more about Joe visit his website