Dr. Woody Johnson Discusses How to Eliminate the Fear of Success, Resistance, and Self-Sabotage that Keeps You Stuck

Podcast Episode 056                                                                      Release Date: 04/08/2016


On this podcast Dr. M. Woodruff Johnson author of the book From Pain to Profit: Secrets of the Peak Performance Trader shares his unique insights into the nature of fear and what holds us back from achieving our goals and the success we so desperately desire. Dr. Woody goes deep by zeroing in on the Fear of Success—a little talked about aspect of human nature that is often the core cause of self sabotage and failure. Dr. Woody goes right to the heart of the matter as he explains what fear is actually all about—Fear of Failure, Fear of Rejection, Fear of Emotional Discomfort, and the Fear of Being Wrong—that ultimately fear is survival mode thinking. Dr. Woody shares his view on how traders and others can win the mental game by first understanding that our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors determine our results. Dr. Woody says that by being willing to take personal responsibility for whatever results you are getting in life, you’ll increase your capacity to become self aware; this, along with using appreciative inquiry approaches as part of your trading (success) game plan is what will ultimately allow you to achieve high level results. Put another way, this process allows you to achieve inner and outer congruence such that your thoughts, feeling and behaviors are a “match” internally and externally. Dr. Woody makes the key point that if you want to excel, then you need to make your emotions allies instead of them being your enemies. If you’d like to learn more about Dr. Woody and his unique coaching approaches which accelerate your progress, visit his website at www.hitthetarget.org or email him at wjohnson@tradingacademy.com or give him a call at 310-892-4427. For Twitter followers, you can also reach out to Dr. Woody at #mario_woody.