Chris Cade Discusses What It Feels Like Being in the Zone of Excellence

Podcast Episode 069                                                     Release Date: July 8, 2016

Chris CadeOn this podcast Chris Cade discusses his views on what it means to experience flow states and being in the zone of excellence. Chris masterfully explains the difference between Peak Performance (outer action) and Peak Experience (inner feelings) and what it’s like to experience both simultaneously. Chris also tells you how the body can hold onto trauma and painful “stuck” emotions and what you can do to break free of them. On this podcast Chris shows you what it feels like to experience being in the flow and a sense of timelessness. Chris holds two 2nd degree black belts in Tae Kwon Do, the US National Champion title, and he placed 3rd at the Super Grands World Games in 1994. He is the author of Unchain Your Dreams: Conquer the Fear of Failure Quickly and Easily. Chris is an inspiring motivational speaker and his perspective helps move you forward towards finding your authentic self. To learn more about Chris’ inspiring message of hope and action and how his approach to living helps you live in the zone of excellence more often, go to his website




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