Audra Grady Miller Discusses How Conscious Sustainable Business Owners Can Attract and Serve their Ideal Clients without Selling

Podcast Episode 088                                                        Release Date: November 18, 2016


On this podcast Audra Grady Miller directly addresses the key pain point many heart centered business owners face: how to get and keep their ideal clients while providing products and services that allow them to spread joy in the world and simultaneously make a living by following their passion. Audra has a Master of Sciene in organizational management and she is working on a Ph.D. in east-west psychology. She is also a certified yoga teacher, an ayurvedic yoga specialist, and a daily meditator. She has worked for several universities in community engagement, service-learning, experiential learning, and career development. As the Conscious Biz Coach, Audra discusses the importance of first making a genuine connection with your potential client before you start to sell. She also shares her personal story from failure to success and she explains the steps that the heart centered solopreneur and entrepreneur can take to create a sustainable business. You can learn more at: and get your Conscious Biz Blueprint at:




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