Dr. Woody Johnson Explains How Self-Compassion and Self-Love Helps Relieve Your Stress and Boosts Your Chances for Success

Podcast Episode 077                                         Release Date: September 2, 2016


On this podcast Dr. Woody Johnson author of the book From Pain to Profit: Secrets of the Peak Performance Trader  shares his unique insights into how the practice of self-love and self-compassion can improve your outcomes in life. Dr. Johnson explains what the self image is and how and why it affects goal attainment for traders and non-traders alike. Dr. Johnson delves deeply into the psyche by pulling back the curtain on your mostly unconscious thoughts and behavioral patterns which can ruin your life when you are unaware of them. For instance, Dr. Johnson tells you how a low or negative self image can intersect with the Fear of Poverty or the Fear of Criticism, making it that much harder to achieve your goals. He also shines a bright light on what lies at the root of internal emotional resistance as he discusses why anyone would want to fail or thwart their own progress and success. Dr. Woody shows you how you can achieve inner and outer congruence such that your thoughts, feelings and behaviors are a “match” internally and externally. He makes the key point that if you want to excel, then you need to make your emotions allies instead of them being your enemies. If you’d like to learn more about Dr. Woody and his unique coaching approaches which accelerate your progress, visit his website at www.hitthetarget.org or email him at wjohnson@tradingacademy.com or give him a call at 310-892-4427. Dr. Woody’s Twitter handle is #mario_woody.





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Dr. Ken Jennings Discusses the Critical Role Re-Inventing Yourself Plays in Career Success – Part 2

Podcast Episode 064                                                 Release Date: June 3, 2016

Ken Jennings

On this podcast environmental scientist and consultant Dr. Ken Jennings continues his discussion on how and why re-inventing yourself leads to career success. Just like a star quarterback, Dr. Jennings goes deep as he tells you how he successfully handled being bullied in Middle school; how he handled his Existential grief from being unfairly rejected in the corporate world: “It’s not rejection, it’s affirmation;” as well as how to comply with international cultural norms: do’s and don’ts while traveling as an American outside the USA. Dr. Jennings has over 25 years of experience working in government, industry, and consulting. While in government, he worked at the US EPA Headquarters, while in the private sector he worked for Amoco, Shell and Microsoft Corporations. Ken’s areas of expertise include sustainability, energy, and climate change in Africa and the Caribbean. He is an Adjunct Professor of Environmental Management for the University of Maryland University Center and consults for major industries and governments. As Managing Director of K2J, Ken’s most recent speaking engagements include The African Presidential Roundtable on Energy Strategy for the 21st Century in Mauritius; The Africa Energy Indaba in Johannesburg; The African Presidential Roundtable on Energy Security in Johannesburg; The Joint UK, US, Niger Investment Forum in London; Micro Grid World Forum in Irvine; Compliance and Risks Webinar – Doing Business in a Regulated Africa. Dr. Jennings earned a BS in geology and geophysics from Yale, a Masters in geology from the University of California Santa Barbara, and a Doctorate in environmental science and engineering from UCLA. He is married and has one daughter. In his leisure time Dr. Jennings enjoys playing basketball, traveling and writing. Ken is also the Yale alumni Class of ’76 Secretary. To learn more about Ken’s work as Managing Director of K2J, visit his website: www.k2jenvironmental.com. To contact Ken, you can email him at kvbjii@icloud.com, call him at 425-785-8963 or reach him using his Twitter handle @kvbj47.

Dr. Woody Johnson Discusses How to Eliminate the Fear of Success, Resistance, and Self-Sabotage that Keeps You Stuck

Podcast Episode 056                                                                      Release Date: 04/08/2016


On this podcast Dr. M. Woodruff Johnson author of the book From Pain to Profit: Secrets of the Peak Performance Trader shares his unique insights into the nature of fear and what holds us back from achieving our goals and the success we so desperately desire. Dr. Woody goes deep by zeroing in on the Fear of Success—a little talked about aspect of human nature that is often the core cause of self sabotage and failure. Dr. Woody goes right to the heart of the matter as he explains what fear is actually all about—Fear of Failure, Fear of Rejection, Fear of Emotional Discomfort, and the Fear of Being Wrong—that ultimately fear is survival mode thinking. Dr. Woody shares his view on how traders and others can win the mental game by first understanding that our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors determine our results. Dr. Woody says that by being willing to take personal responsibility for whatever results you are getting in life, you’ll increase your capacity to become self aware; this, along with using appreciative inquiry approaches as part of your trading (success) game plan is what will ultimately allow you to achieve high level results. Put another way, this process allows you to achieve inner and outer congruence such that your thoughts, feeling and behaviors are a “match” internally and externally. Dr. Woody makes the key point that if you want to excel, then you need to make your emotions allies instead of them being your enemies. If you’d like to learn more about Dr. Woody and his unique coaching approaches which accelerate your progress, visit his website at www.hitthetarget.org or email him at wjohnson@tradingacademy.com or give him a call at 310-892-4427. For Twitter followers, you can also reach out to Dr. Woody at #mario_woody.



Dr. Ken Jennings Discusses the Critical Role Re-Inventing Yourself Plays in Career Success

Podcast Episode 051                                                         Release Date: 3/19/2016

Ken JenningsOn this podcast environmental scientist and consultant Dr. Ken Jennings discusses how and why re-inventing yourself leads to career success. Dr. Jennings has over 25 years of experience working in government, industry, and consulting. While in government, he worked at the US EPA Headquarters while in the private sector he worked for Amoco, Shell and Microsoft Corporations. Ken’s areas of expertise include sustainability, energy, and climate change in Africa and the Caribbean. He is an Adjunct Professor of Environmental Management for the University of Maryland University Center and consults for major industries and governments. Dr. Jennings earned a BS in geology and geophysics from Yale, a Masters in geology from the University of California Santa Barbara, and a Doctorate in environmental science and engineering from UCLA. He is married and has one daughter. Dr. Jennings shares his philosophy on the value of teamwork in competition, being proactive rather than reactive, how he navigated bullying from the school yard to the workplace, and his strategies for career versatility. To learn more about Ken’s work as Managing Director of K2J, visit his website: www.k2jenvironmental.com. To contact Ken, you can email him at kvbjii@icloud.com, call him at 425-785-8963 or reach him using his Twitter handle @kvbj47.