Master Teacher Sharón Lynn Wyeth Discusses the Limitless Scope of a Teacher’s Job

Podcast Episode 140                                                                                    Release Date: May 18, 2018

On this podcast Master teacher Sharón Lynn Wyeth shares key insights about what it takes to be successful in the classroom and how aspects of our public school system support or fail students, teachers, parents and administrators. With over 40 years of experience in the education profession, Sharón has acquired a wealth of knowledge about what works in the classroom and contributes to students’ success and achievement. She has taught math in 8 states and 4 countries, so in this interview Sharón compares and contrasts the results she was able to get with students when allowed to bring her best practices to bear in the classroom—internationally and in the USA. Unfortunately, Sharón says that being forced to teach using the Common Core curriculum resulted in students failing math rather than excelling. Furthermore, she says that compared to high achieving countries, the USA is behind in math mainly due to the fact that it attempts to force students to learn important math concepts too early. Sharón is most proud of the fact that throughout her career she has been able to serve as a mentor to other teachers and use her Neimology® Science to help students simultaneously improve their grades and social skills. She says that teachers play a key role in helping children mature into responsible citizenship when they provide them with practical ways to learn “how” to get along with all types of people and personalities. Sharón says that teachers take care of our most precious commodity—our children—but the value of their unique service is not always appreciated or understood. Her bestselling book, “Know the Name; Know the Person” has won an award for excellence in writing. You can learn more about Sharón and Neimology® Science by visiting her website:



Robert_Bob_Wright_JrChristine_WrightDr. Bob and Christine offer customized coaching packages to individuals and groups.

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Allison Morgan, M.A. Discusses Zensational Kids in Action

Podcast Episode 120                                                                                       Release Date: June 30, 2017

On this podcast Allison Morgan, MA, OTR, E-RYT continues to tell you how and why the Zensational Kids program helps children relax in the classroom so that they can learn and grasp their lessons easily with less stress and anxiety. Allison is a pediatric occupational therapist, and registered Yoga Alliance teacher who has worked with children of all abilities for over 25 years to improve their academic performance. Allison discusses the many benefits of yoga and mindfulness for children detailing the importance of the Relaxation Response for overall health and well being. She explains that the skills students need to live with compassion, kindness, and empathy can be learned.  And she shares that her students in turn encourage their parents to lessen their stress with the tools they acquire from her program.

Allison is the author of the children’s book Wisdom Within and is the founder of Educate 2B: Tools for Engaged Learning and Living. This yoga and mindfulness program has been instrumental in bringing mind/body practices into educational and therapeutic settings. EDUCATE 2B supports school communities in building a greater culture of self-awareness, emotional regulation, compassion, and empathy. You can learn more about Allison and Zensational Kids by visiting her website or her Facebook page


Robert_Bob_Wright_JrChristine_WrightDr. Bob and Christine offer customized coaching packages to individuals and groups.

We are also available to speak to your group, association, organization, or company on topics concerning ways to improve Health, Stress-Relief and Well-being.


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Allison Morgan, M.A. Explains Her Zensational Kids Program

Podcast Episode 112                                            Release Date: May 5, 2017

On this podcast Allison Morgan, MA, OTR, E-RYT tells you how and why the Zensational Kids program helps children relax in the classroom so that they can learn and grasp their lessons easily with less stress and anxiety. Allison is a pediatric occupational therapist, and registered Yoga Alliance teacher who has worked with children of all abilities for over 25 years to improve their academic performance. After taking her first Yoga class, she noticed how calm it made her feel. Later, she began to wonder whether the children in her classes had ever felt a similar calmness. Subsequently, Allison introduced her students to Yoga and got amazing results.

Allison explains how no learning can occur in the classroom when a child’s “flight-flight-freeze” nervous system mechanism is activated. This means that whenever students are “up tight” or anxious, as a rule, they  can never perform at their best due to how the brain is hardwired. Allison says that the most important person in the classroom is the teacher since she or he has the responsibility to set the tone and expectations for learning to take place. Allison is the author of the children’s book Wisdom Within and is the founder of Educate 2B: Tools for Engaged Learning and Living. This yoga and mindfulness program has been instrumental in bringing mind/body practices into educational and therapeutic settings. EDUCATE 2B supports school communities in building a greater culture of self-awareness, emotional regulation, compassion, and empathy. You can learn more about Allison and Zensational Kids by visiting her website or her Facebook page



Robert_Bob_Wright_JrChristine_WrightDr. Bob and Christine offer customized coaching packages to individuals and groups.

We are also available to speak to your group, association, organization, or company on topics concerning ways to improve Health, Stress-Relief and Well-being.


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