Dr. Bob and Christine Wright Ask “Is Your To Do List Longer Than Your Day?”

Podcast Episode 093                                                                                                       Release Date: December 23, 2016

Cover Art for iTunesOn this podcast Dr. Bob, the Stress Relief Doctor and Success Coach Christine Wright, M.A., CSL discuss the stress caused by having too much to do in your day. Dr. Bob, and Christine are speakers, wellness coaches, and authors.  Their passion includes sharing information and providing solutions that directly benefit your healthy well being and helps you to begin to feel better right now. They seek to be of service by showing you how to relax, reduce stress, reduce pain, and dissolve your anxiety so that you can live longer and play with your grandchildren. In this interview Dr. Bob and Christine explain how you can more effectively use the Eisenhower Matrix (urgent verses important tasks); how doing less can actually bring you larger results by using the power of leverage; the significance of using time and energy management techniques to your advantage; how understanding the differences between the Judging and Perceiving aspects of Myers-Briggs typing can up your game when interacting with others; and why it’s a good idea to have a comprehensive plan in place for getting rest, play and sleep in order to boost your performance and achieve your important medium and long term objectives. You can learn more about how Dr. Bob and Christine can help you up your game by visiting them at: http://www.stressfreenow.info/about-us/ or by contacting them with your questions or comments at: http://www.stressfreenow.info/contact-us/




Robert_Bob_Wright_JrChristine_WrightDr. Bob and Christine offer customized coaching packages to individuals and groups.

We are also available to speak to your group, association, organization, or company on topics concerning ways to improve Health, Stress-Relief and Well-being.


Contact us to learn how we may be of service to you.


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Like what you hear? Do you look forward to listening to our podcasts each week? If you do, consider becoming a part of our Stress Free Now Family by becoming a donor.

Your donations will allow us to upgrade our ability to bring you shows that are on the cutting edge of new knowledge and wisdom. This helps you improve the quality of your life by giving you the tools you need to reduce your habitual stress, anxiety, chronic pain, and grief.

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Dr. Bob and Christine Wright Discuss the Benefits of Establishing and Maintaining Rapport in Your Communications

Podcast Episode 092                                                      Release Date: December 16, 2016

Cover Art for iTunesOn this podcast Dr. Bob and Christine Wright discuss the Benefits of Maintaining Rapport in Communication. Dr. Bob, the Stress Relief Doctor, and Success Coach Christine are speakers, wellness coaches, and authors.  Their passion includes sharing information and providing solutions that helps you to feel better now.  They seek to be of service by showing you how to relax, reduce stress, reduce pain, and dissolve your anxiety so that you can live longer and play with your grandchildren. In this interview Dr. Bob and Christine talk about the role of meaning, intent, and desired outcomes in achieving and maintaining rapport. They discuss how the four NLP representational styles Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic, and Digital affect communication. They also touch on the viability of long distance relationships and authenticity in communication. You can learn more about how Dr. Bob and Christine can help you up your game by visiting them at: http://www.stressfreenow.info/about-us/ or by contacting them with your questions or comments at: http://www.stressfreenow.info/contact-us/




Robert_Bob_Wright_JrChristine_WrightDr. Bob and Christine offer customized coaching packages to individuals and groups.

We are also available to speak to your group, association, organization, or company on topics concerning ways to improve Health, Stress-Relief and Well-being.


Contact us to learn how we may be of service to you.


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Like what you hear? Do you look forward to listening to our podcasts each week? If you do, consider becoming a part of our Stress Free Now Family by becoming a donor.

Your donations will allow us to upgrade our ability to bring you shows that are on the cutting edge of new knowledge and wisdom. This helps you improve the quality of your life by giving you the tools you need to reduce your habitual stress, anxiety, chronic pain, and grief.

Your donation helps make the world a better place for yourself and future generations.

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Reggie Marra, M.A., A.C.C. Speaks about Grief and the Healing Process (R)

Podcast Episode 090 – Rebroadcast                                             Release Date: December 2, 2016


Reggie_MarraOriginally released September 11, 2015 as Podcast Episode 026. On this podcast Certified Integral Master Coach™ Reggie Marra speaks about grief and the healing process. Reggie distinguishes grief from mourning, and he shares his five practices for supporting healing. Reggie is a partner with Paradox Edge, a business coaching and consulting firm. He is also an educator and teaching poet, a former teacher, basketball coach, and administrator in secondary and higher education. Reggie has presented his poetry and workshops for the National Association for Poetry Therapy, the Transformative Language Arts Network, the National Speakers Association, the Iona Spirituality Institute, TEC Canada and Vistage USA. Reggie is the author of The Quality of Effort, which delivers a powerful message of hope, filled with humanity and honest answers to questions we sometimes think about but may not want to ask ourselves. Reggie is also a certified Leadership Agility 360 Coach, and he holds an ACC credential with the International Coach Federation. He helps clients get results. To learn more about Reggie and how his comprehensive Integral coaching approach can help boost your performance and help you achieve your goals, visit his website www.ReggieMarra.com or www.QualityofEffort.com.



Robert_Bob_Wright_JrChristine_WrightDr. Bob and Christine offer customized coaching packages to individuals and groups.

We are also available to speak to your group, association, organization, or company on topics concerning ways to improve Health, Stress-Relief and Well-being.


Contact us to learn how we may be of service to you.


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Like what you hear? Do you look forward to listening to our podcasts each week? If you do, consider becoming a part of our Stress Free Now Family by becoming a donor.

Your donations will allow us to upgrade our ability to bring you shows that are on the cutting edge of new knowledge and wisdom. This helps you improve the quality of your life by giving you the tools you need to reduce your habitual stress, anxiety, chronic pain, and grief.

Your donation helps make the world a better place for yourself and future generations.

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Adria Goldman Gross Explains How to Manage Your Medical Bills – Part 2

Podcast Episode 085                                       Release Date: October 28, 2016

adria-grossOn this podcast Adria Goldman Gross, Medwise Insurance Advocacy, CEO tells you more about how to manage your medical bills. A renowned figure in the New York area and across the country, Adria has over 20 years of experience in the insurance and advocacy field. Co-author of Solved! Curing Your Medical Insurance Problems with Douglas Winslow Cooper, Ph.D, she has saved her clients in excess of millions of dollars annually.   An award winning advocate, Adria discusses the importance of knowing the charges on your bill and other  strategies to reduce your cost and avoid bankruptcy due to exorbitantly high medical bills. Listen in as Adria talks about her passion for volunteering and helping people. You can learn more about Adria on her website: http://medicalinsuranceadvocacy.com or call her at 845-238-2532 or email her at Adria@medwisebilling.com




Robert_Bob_Wright_JrChristine_WrightDr. Bob and Christine offer customized coaching packages to individuals and groups.

We are also available to speak to your group, association, organization, or company on topics concerning ways to improve Health, Stress-Relief and Well-being.


Contact us to learn how we may be of service to you.


Become a Donor

Like what you hear? Do you look forward to listening to our podcasts each week? If you do, consider becoming a part of our Stress Free Now Family by becoming a donor.

Your donations will allow us to upgrade our ability to bring you shows that are on the cutting edge of new knowledge and wisdom. This helps you improve the quality of your life by giving you the tools you need to reduce your habitual stress, anxiety, chronic pain, and grief.

Your donation helps make the world a better place for yourself and future generations.

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Adria Goldman Gross Explains How to Manage Your Medical Bills – Part 1

Podcast Episode 084                                                        Release Date: October 21, 2016

adria-grossOn this podcast Adria Goldman Gross, Medwise Insurance Advocacy, CEO explains how to manage your medical bills.  She is  a renowned figure in the New York area  and across the country as a result of her extensive referral network of well satisfied clients. Adria has over 20 years of experience in the insurance and advocacy field and has saved her clients in excess of millions of dollars annually.  An award winning advocate, Adria  is co-author of Solved! Curing Your Medical Insurance Problems with Douglas Winslow Cooper, Ph.D.  At the age of 12 Adria contracted encephalitis which led to decades of epileptic seizures.  The indignities that she experienced during this time led Adria to be a more compassionate person and a passionate medical advocate.  Her own struggles plus her years working in the insurance and medical billing business gave her unique a insider’s view of the way the industry operates. Her pragmatic tips for what to do to when faced with a medical procedure will help you to avoid costly mistakes.  You can learn more about Adria on her website: http://medicalinsuranceadvocacy.com or call her at 845-238-2532 or email her at Adria@medwisebilling.com





Robert_Bob_Wright_JrChristine_WrightDr. Bob and Christine offer customized coaching packages to individuals and groups.

We are also available to speak to your group, association, organization, or company on topics concerning ways to improve Health, Stress-Relief and Well-being.


Contact us to learn how we may be of service to you.


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Like what you hear? Do you look forward to listening to our podcasts each week? If you do, consider becoming a part of our Stress Free Now Family by becoming a donor.

Your donations will allow us to upgrade our ability to bring you shows that are on the cutting edge of new knowledge and wisdom. This helps you improve the quality of your life by giving you the tools you need to reduce your habitual stress, anxiety, chronic pain, and grief.

Your donation helps make the world a better place for yourself and future generations.

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Sharón Lynn Wyeth Explains How to Use Neimology® Science to Improve your Relationships and Communicate Better

Podcast Episode 083                    Release Date: October 14, 2016


On this podcast Sharón Lynn Wyeth shares key insights about the power of Neimology® Science to improve your relationships by enhancing your ability to communicate more effectively with others. By gleaning information from a person’s  name as well as the positioning of the letters in a person’s name, Neimology® Science  allows you to understand yourself and others better. Sharón is recognized internationally as a name expert as she can determine one’s strengths, challenges and the purpose of one’s life by deciphering a person’s name. For example, during this interview Sharón tells you whether there are letters in a name that make people more likeable or show if someone has a sense of humor; or, how to use this information to build rapport with clients. According to Sharón’s system, the first letter of your name is the first impression you make on others while the last letter is the lasting impression you make on others – what people say about you behind your back. Sharón also shares her personal story: how when her kids were young, they’d tell friends not to tell Sharón their names, but when they got older, they wanted her to tell them everything about their dating partners based upon their names! You can learn more about Sharón and Neimology® Science by visiting her website: http://knowthename.com/




Robert_Bob_Wright_JrChristine_WrightDr. Bob and Christine offer customized coaching packages to individuals and groups.

We are also available to speak to your group, association, organization, or company on topics concerning ways to improve Health, Stress-Relief and Well-being.


Contact us to learn how we may be of service to you.


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Like what you hear? Do you look forward to listening to our podcasts each week? If you do, consider becoming a part of our Stress Free Now Family by becoming a donor.

Your donations will allow us to upgrade our ability to bring you shows that are on the cutting edge of new knowledge and wisdom. This helps you improve the quality of your life by giving you the tools you need to reduce your habitual stress, anxiety, chronic pain, and grief.

Your donation helps make the world a better place for yourself and future generations.

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Lily Sloane, LMFT speaks about her new hit podcast series A Therapist Walks into a Bar!

Podcast Episode 082                                           Release Date: October 7, 2016

lily-sloaneOn this podcast Family and Marriage Therapist Lily Sloane discusses the creative processes behind the creation of her successful and well received podcast series entitled A Therapist Walks into a Bar. Lily explains what it’s like to talk to bar patrons in this surprising way and how doing so can alter the perspective people have about what psychotherapy is and is not. Importantly, Lily emphasizes that what she does in the bar is definitely NOT therapy and she doesn’t limit her approach to bars either: now she’s expanded to talking to people picnicking in local parks in San Francisco and simply asks if she can join the conversation! How exciting and creative! Interestingly enough, Lily also tells you what it’s like to experience social rejection because she’s not a drinker as well as sharing the pain of her existential grief from relationship break ups. Lily graduated with a Master’s degree from the Counseling Psychology  program at the California Institute of Integral Studies and is the board President for the San Francisco Chapter  of the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists. Lily helps clients who have eating disorders and body images issues;  clients with addiction and substance abuse issues; couples in need  of relationship therapy; and clients who are performers and artists  of all types seeking greater levels of self awareness and self  worth. You can learn more about Lily and her work by visiting her website http://www.lilysloane.com/ and  checking out her podcast series entitled A Therapist Walks into a Bar: atherapistwalksintoabar.com.




Robert_Bob_Wright_JrChristine_WrightDr. Bob and Christine offer customized coaching packages to individuals and groups.

We are also available to speak to your group, association, organization, or company on topics concerning ways to improve Health, Stress-Relief and Well-being.


Contact us to learn how we may be of service to you.


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Like what you hear? Do you look forward to listening to our podcasts each week? If you do, consider becoming a part of our Stress Free Now Family by becoming a donor.

Your donations will allow us to upgrade our ability to bring you shows that are on the cutting edge of new knowledge and wisdom. This helps you improve the quality of your life by giving you the tools you need to reduce your habitual stress, anxiety, chronic pain, and grief.

Your donation helps make the world a better place for yourself and future generations.

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Dr. Anna Ranieri Speaking about Connecting the Dots: Telling the Story that Will Advance Your Career

Podcast Episode 078             Release Date: September 9, 2016

Anna RanieriOn this podcast executive coach and career counselor Dr. Anna Ranieri, MBA, PhD, explains how important it is to create a synergistic narrative as you reinvent yourself in order to progress successfully in your career. Dr. Ranieri is the co-author of the best-selling book How Can I Help? What you can (and Can’t) Do to Counsel a Friend, Colleague or Family Member With a Problem, and she has written several articles on work and management for the Harvard Business Review. Anna tells you why with today’s career landscape it’s critical not to get bogged down with issues such as job titles and familiar job status symbols, instead, she says it more important to focus on creating a clear vision of who you are, what you are seeking to accomplish, and how best to intelligently advocate for yourself to advance your career. Anna explains why in today’s job market it is important to know yourself and consider your current desires as you navigate your career landscape. Anna also elaborates on the concept of Generativity—why being creative in your adult life is critical for continued growth and healthy well being— and how the process of writing can result in Self Knowledge. Anna’s next project is to co-author a book to be called: Connecting the Dots: Telling the Story that Will Advance Your Career. To learn more about Anna’s work visit her website: www.annaranieri.com.




Robert_Bob_Wright_JrChristine_WrightDr. Bob and Christine offer customized coaching packages to individuals and groups.

We are also available to speak to your group, association, organization, or company on topics concerning ways to improve Health, Stress-Relief and Well-being.


Contact us to learn how we may be of service to you.


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Like what you hear? Do you look forward to listening to our podcasts each week? If you do, consider becoming a part of our Stress Free Now Family by becoming a donor.

Your donations will allow us to upgrade our ability to bring you shows that are on the cutting edge of new knowledge and wisdom. This helps you improve the quality of your life by giving you the tools you need to reduce your habitual stress, anxiety, chronic pain, and grief.

Your donation helps make the world a better place for yourself and future generations.

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Dr. Woody Johnson Explains How Self-Compassion and Self-Love Helps Relieve Your Stress and Boosts Your Chances for Success

Podcast Episode 077                                         Release Date: September 2, 2016


On this podcast Dr. Woody Johnson author of the book From Pain to Profit: Secrets of the Peak Performance Trader  shares his unique insights into how the practice of self-love and self-compassion can improve your outcomes in life. Dr. Johnson explains what the self image is and how and why it affects goal attainment for traders and non-traders alike. Dr. Johnson delves deeply into the psyche by pulling back the curtain on your mostly unconscious thoughts and behavioral patterns which can ruin your life when you are unaware of them. For instance, Dr. Johnson tells you how a low or negative self image can intersect with the Fear of Poverty or the Fear of Criticism, making it that much harder to achieve your goals. He also shines a bright light on what lies at the root of internal emotional resistance as he discusses why anyone would want to fail or thwart their own progress and success. Dr. Woody shows you how you can achieve inner and outer congruence such that your thoughts, feelings and behaviors are a “match” internally and externally. He makes the key point that if you want to excel, then you need to make your emotions allies instead of them being your enemies. If you’d like to learn more about Dr. Woody and his unique coaching approaches which accelerate your progress, visit his website at www.hitthetarget.org or email him at wjohnson@tradingacademy.com or give him a call at 310-892-4427. Dr. Woody’s Twitter handle is #mario_woody.





Robert_Bob_Wright_JrChristine_WrightDr. Bob and Christine offer customized coaching packages to individuals and groups.

We are also available to speak to your group, association, organization, or company on topics concerning ways to improve Health, Stress-Relief and Well-being.


Contact us to learn how we may be of service to you.


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Like what you hear? Do you look forward to listening to our podcasts each week? If you do, consider becoming a part of our Stress Free Now Family by becoming a donor.

Your donations will allow us to upgrade our ability to bring you shows that are on the cutting edge of new knowledge and wisdom. This helps you improve the quality of your life by giving you the tools you need to reduce your habitual stress, anxiety, chronic pain, and grief.

Your donation helps make the world a better place for yourself and future generations.

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George Pierson Explains How You Can Be More Creative and Enter the Flow State by Using the Mind Mirror

Podcast Episode 076                             Release Date: August 26, 2016

George_PiersonOn this podcast George Pierson shares his views on how using the Mind Mirror EEG can boost your creativity and overall awareness. The Mind Mirror allows you to see and shape your own brainwave patterns so that you know what it looks like and feels like when you’re relaxed, anxious, excited or in deep thought. Recently, George worked with Business Grads at Drexel University to help them increase their levels of creativity by showing them how to enter flow states. George is an accomplished creative artist, having worked as an executive at NBC, HBO, and Discovery – but his main life goal has been a quest to discover and unravel the mystery of creativity. George’s own hero’s journey has taken him around the world: to Egypt and India several times. George has become an expert using healing light, fire energy, brainwaves, and numerology. He is currently working towards mastery of Buddhism and he is an authority in the use of the Mind Mirror brain technology. To learn more about George visit his websites:  www.creative-mindflow.com or www.phillybrainwavestudio.com or you can email him at george@creative-mindflow.com.




Robert_Bob_Wright_JrChristine_WrightDr. Bob and Christine offer customized coaching packages to individuals and groups.

We are also available to speak to your group, association, organization, or company on topics concerning ways to improve Health, Stress-Relief and Well-being.


Contact us to learn how we may be of service to you.


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Like what you hear? Do you look forward to listening to our podcasts each week? If you do, consider becoming a part of our Stress Free Now Family by becoming a donor.

Your donations will allow us to upgrade our ability to bring you shows that are on the cutting edge of new knowledge and wisdom. This helps you improve the quality of your life by giving you the tools you need to reduce your habitual stress, anxiety, chronic pain, and grief.

Your donation helps make the world a better place for yourself and future generations.

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