Jeanne M. Stafford Discusses How to Get Better Communication Results

Podcast Episode 103                    Release Date: March 3, 2017

Jeanne M Stafford

On this podcast Jeanne Stafford tells you how you can get better communication results by learning to stop seeking perfection and by identifying and correcting your “blindspots.” Jeanne is a professional speaker and communications  trainer who worked for over 15 years as a political and non-profit  fundraiser for local, national and international clients. She says that the key to being resilient is not to take things personally as well as learning how to step into your own power by becoming fearless. Jeanne explains the unique benefits your can receive from being “pathologically optimistic” so that in the right context, you’ll be able to soar past obstacles and achieve your goals where others might simply give up. This can be especially true when working to figure out “how” not to blow your top when dealing with difficult or “unreasonable” people. Jeanne’s approach allows you to be more resilient in the face of interpersonal conflict and establish strong, ongoing relationships  at  home and at work. Jeanne uses Improv to successfully shift  you into a  more proactive state so that you can begin to experience  flow in all of  your interactions. Jeanne also shares her view that most of what’s wrong in our lives is that we are holding  onto conflict. She says that the less you resist, the  faster you can “connect” with others and get what you really want. To learn more about Jeanne and how you can benefit from working with her, visit her website Be sure to claim your free 30 Day to Yes gift.



Robert_Bob_Wright_JrChristine_WrightDr. Bob and Christine offer customized coaching packages to individuals and groups.

We are also available to speak to your group, association, organization, or company on topics concerning ways to improve Health, Stress-Relief and Well-being.


Contact us to learn how we may be of service to you.


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Like what you hear? Do you look forward to listening to our podcasts each week? If you do, consider becoming a part of our Stress Free Now Family by becoming a donor.

Your donations will allow us to upgrade our ability to bring you shows that are on the cutting edge of new knowledge and wisdom.  This helps you improve the quality of your life by giving you the tools you need to reduce your habitual stress, anxiety, chronic pain, and grief.

Your donation helps make the world a better place for yourself and future generations.

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Jeanne M. Stafford Explains How You Can More Easily Build Rapport and Have Communication Success by Getting to Yes

Podcast Episode 099                                             Release Date: February 3, 2017

Jeanne M Stafford

On this podcast Jeanne Stafford shares her expertise on how you can up your game by learning how to communicate more effectively by building rapport with others so that you can more easily get to YES. Jeanne explains how you can learn to communicate more succinctly and make the impact you want in every space you enter by thinking and saying YES. She also tells you how you can learn to be more resilient in the face of interpersonal conflict and establish strong, ongoing relationships at home and at work. Jeanne uses Improv to successfully shift you into a more proactive state so that you can begin to experience flow in all of your interactions. Jeanne is a professional speaker and communications trainer who worked for over 15 years as a political and non-profit fundraiser for local, national and international clients. On this show, Jeanne covers the 3 things that contribute to all missed communications: silence; longing for outcomes; and forgetting to engage in self care. Jeanne also shares her view that most of what’s wrong in our lives is that we are holding onto conflict. She says that the less we resist, the faster we get want we really want. To learn more about Jeanne and how you can benefit from working with her, visit her website  Be sure to claim your free 30 Day to Yes gift.



Robert_Bob_Wright_JrChristine_WrightDr. Bob and Christine offer customized coaching and training packages to individuals and groups.

We are also available to speak to your group, association, organization, or company on topics concerning ways to improve Health, Stress-Relief and Well-being.


Contact us to learn how we may be of service to you.


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Like what you hear? Do you look forward to listening to our podcasts each week? If you do, consider becoming a part of our Stress Free Now Family by becoming a donor.

Your donations will allow us to upgrade our ability to bring you shows that are on the cutting edge of new knowledge and wisdom.  This helps you improve the quality of your life by giving you the tools you need to reduce your habitual stress, anxiety, chronic pain, and grief.

Your donation helps make the world a better place for yourself and future generations.

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Dr. Bob and Christine Wright Ask “Is Your To Do List Longer Than Your Day?”

Podcast Episode 093                                                                                                       Release Date: December 23, 2016

Cover Art for iTunesOn this podcast Dr. Bob, the Stress Relief Doctor and Success Coach Christine Wright, M.A., CSL discuss the stress caused by having too much to do in your day. Dr. Bob, and Christine are speakers, wellness coaches, and authors.  Their passion includes sharing information and providing solutions that directly benefit your healthy well being and helps you to begin to feel better right now. They seek to be of service by showing you how to relax, reduce stress, reduce pain, and dissolve your anxiety so that you can live longer and play with your grandchildren. In this interview Dr. Bob and Christine explain how you can more effectively use the Eisenhower Matrix (urgent verses important tasks); how doing less can actually bring you larger results by using the power of leverage; the significance of using time and energy management techniques to your advantage; how understanding the differences between the Judging and Perceiving aspects of Myers-Briggs typing can up your game when interacting with others; and why it’s a good idea to have a comprehensive plan in place for getting rest, play and sleep in order to boost your performance and achieve your important medium and long term objectives. You can learn more about how Dr. Bob and Christine can help you up your game by visiting them at: or by contacting them with your questions or comments at:




Robert_Bob_Wright_JrChristine_WrightDr. Bob and Christine offer customized coaching packages to individuals and groups.

We are also available to speak to your group, association, organization, or company on topics concerning ways to improve Health, Stress-Relief and Well-being.


Contact us to learn how we may be of service to you.


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Like what you hear? Do you look forward to listening to our podcasts each week? If you do, consider becoming a part of our Stress Free Now Family by becoming a donor.

Your donations will allow us to upgrade our ability to bring you shows that are on the cutting edge of new knowledge and wisdom. This helps you improve the quality of your life by giving you the tools you need to reduce your habitual stress, anxiety, chronic pain, and grief.

Your donation helps make the world a better place for yourself and future generations.

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Dr. Bob and Christine Wright Discuss the Benefits of Establishing and Maintaining Rapport in Your Communications

Podcast Episode 092                                                      Release Date: December 16, 2016

Cover Art for iTunesOn this podcast Dr. Bob and Christine Wright discuss the Benefits of Maintaining Rapport in Communication. Dr. Bob, the Stress Relief Doctor, and Success Coach Christine are speakers, wellness coaches, and authors.  Their passion includes sharing information and providing solutions that helps you to feel better now.  They seek to be of service by showing you how to relax, reduce stress, reduce pain, and dissolve your anxiety so that you can live longer and play with your grandchildren. In this interview Dr. Bob and Christine talk about the role of meaning, intent, and desired outcomes in achieving and maintaining rapport. They discuss how the four NLP representational styles Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic, and Digital affect communication. They also touch on the viability of long distance relationships and authenticity in communication. You can learn more about how Dr. Bob and Christine can help you up your game by visiting them at: or by contacting them with your questions or comments at:




Robert_Bob_Wright_JrChristine_WrightDr. Bob and Christine offer customized coaching packages to individuals and groups.

We are also available to speak to your group, association, organization, or company on topics concerning ways to improve Health, Stress-Relief and Well-being.


Contact us to learn how we may be of service to you.


Become a Donor

Like what you hear? Do you look forward to listening to our podcasts each week? If you do, consider becoming a part of our Stress Free Now Family by becoming a donor.

Your donations will allow us to upgrade our ability to bring you shows that are on the cutting edge of new knowledge and wisdom. This helps you improve the quality of your life by giving you the tools you need to reduce your habitual stress, anxiety, chronic pain, and grief.

Your donation helps make the world a better place for yourself and future generations.

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