Dr. Deri Ronis speaking on Stress Reduction and Ways to Have More Joy and Peace of Mind in Your Life

Podcast Episode 065                                                     Release Date: June 10, 2016

Deri Ronis - color

On this podcast Dr. Deri Ronis shares her expertise on how you can use Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) to simultaneously lower your habitual stress levels and experience more joy and peace in your life. Dr. Ronis explains how and why Mindfulness Based Meditation works by reducing stress and anxiety since it helps an individual to become more aware of and to remain fully in the present moment of NOW. Dr. Ronis is the author of Soulful Love: The Search for the Self. She helps clients improve the quality of their lives by giving them the tools they desire to achieve balance without drama for the win-win. The work Deri does helps you find your center so that you can experience states of stillness and relaxed calm more often. To learn how you can derive benefits from working with Dr. Ronis, visit her website: http://drderi.com/ or call her at 561-644-3904.



Robert_Bob_Wright_JrChristine_WrightDr. Bob and Christine offer customized coaching packages to individuals and groups.

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Dr. Ken Jennings Discusses the Critical Role Re-Inventing Yourself Plays in Career Success – Part 2

Podcast Episode 064                                                 Release Date: June 3, 2016

Ken Jennings

On this podcast environmental scientist and consultant Dr. Ken Jennings continues his discussion on how and why re-inventing yourself leads to career success. Just like a star quarterback, Dr. Jennings goes deep as he tells you how he successfully handled being bullied in Middle school; how he handled his Existential grief from being unfairly rejected in the corporate world: “It’s not rejection, it’s affirmation;” as well as how to comply with international cultural norms: do’s and don’ts while traveling as an American outside the USA. Dr. Jennings has over 25 years of experience working in government, industry, and consulting. While in government, he worked at the US EPA Headquarters, while in the private sector he worked for Amoco, Shell and Microsoft Corporations. Ken’s areas of expertise include sustainability, energy, and climate change in Africa and the Caribbean. He is an Adjunct Professor of Environmental Management for the University of Maryland University Center and consults for major industries and governments. As Managing Director of K2J, Ken’s most recent speaking engagements include The African Presidential Roundtable on Energy Strategy for the 21st Century in Mauritius; The Africa Energy Indaba in Johannesburg; The African Presidential Roundtable on Energy Security in Johannesburg; The Joint UK, US, Niger Investment Forum in London; Micro Grid World Forum in Irvine; Compliance and Risks Webinar – Doing Business in a Regulated Africa. Dr. Jennings earned a BS in geology and geophysics from Yale, a Masters in geology from the University of California Santa Barbara, and a Doctorate in environmental science and engineering from UCLA. He is married and has one daughter. In his leisure time Dr. Jennings enjoys playing basketball, traveling and writing. Ken is also the Yale alumni Class of ’76 Secretary. To learn more about Ken’s work as Managing Director of K2J, visit his website: www.k2jenvironmental.com. To contact Ken, you can email him at kvbjii@icloud.com, call him at 425-785-8963 or reach him using his Twitter handle @kvbj47.

Adam Timm Shares Strategies for Lowering Your Workplace and Home Life Stress – Part Two

Podcast Episode 062                                                  Release Date: May 20, 2016

AdamTimmOn this podcast Adam Timm continues explaining the benefits to dispatchers of self care and how doing so can boost their job performance and improve the quality of their lives. Mr. Timm presents practical solutions that identify and reduce the effects of stress burnout for dispatchers or anyone willing to implement his step-by-step formula for getting ahead of the burnout curve. Adam is the author of the #1 bestselling books Stress Is Optional! How to Kick the Habit and Dispatcher Stress: 50 Lessons on Beating the Burnout which tells readers how he overcame the debilitating chronic stress he experienced as a tenured 9-1-1 Dispatcher for the Los Angeles Police Department. As a retired 10 year veteran of one of the busiest Dispatcher agencies in the country, Adam experienced years of migraine headaches, ulcers, and personal challenges on and off the job. His experiences allowed him to develop a step-by-step program to help himself and others stop the stress and live healthy lives again. Adam’s stress reduction program for the Los Angeles Police Department contributed to a 45% decrease in annual sick time usage, and his stress resilience training for Emergency Dispatchers has been delivered around the country. Adam is a regularly featured keynote and breakout session speaker at APCO and NENA conferences, and has co-presented stress management learning modules in California POST certified classes since 2012. Adam is a board certified Stress Management Consultant and holds a B.S. in Organizational Management. To learn more about Adam and his work visit his website: http://www.thehealthydispatcher.com/.

Professional Photographer Andrea Reese Shares Her Views on the Value of Career Versatility

Podcast Episode 061                                                     Release Date: May 13, 2016

Andrea ReeseOn this podcast Professional Photographer Andrea Reese speaks about the benefits of reinventing yourself career wise so that you can live a rewarding and fulfilling life. Andrea Reese is a portrait and event photographer based in Brooklyn, NY. Her photos have appeared in the New York Times, The Daily News and other media outlets. She specializes in the camera shy, creating a friendly, comfortable setting. Previously, Andrea was a classical singer and actress. She wrote and performed the acclaimed one-woman play about Jackie O, “Cirque Jacqueline”, which ran for six years. To learn more about Andrea visit her photography website at andreaseye.com.



Coach and Attorney Gerry J. Tucker discusses the importance of a nightly practice of gratitude, affirmations, reading and self-reflection so that you can have a life filled with blessings and peace – Part Two

Podcast Episode 060                                                         Release Date: May 6, 2016


On this podcast Certified Professional Career and Life Coach and attorney Gerry Tucker continues to shares her inspirational messages from her book  BEDSIDE CHAT: A Book of Inspiration and Meditation. Seven years ago Gerry began writing Bedside Chat for 100 of her closest friends.  Each month a newsletter filled with inspirational messages would be mailed to her friends.  During this time she also wrote poems for Mahogany magazine and articles for the Villager Newspaper and the Austin-American Statesman newspaper.  She has taken the content of the newsletters and articles and created Bedside Chat. Gerry’s mission is to “help bring about a profound change for the better in the lives of other souls; to assist them in re-defining their goals and objectives, evaluating how to make choices for positive change. GOD and I working together can do this.” Whether serving on non-profit boards, managing human resource problems, writing articles and newsletters or conducting workshops, Gerry’s passion is working with women to achieve their dreams.  As a spiritual, career, and life coach, Gerry does individual, private coaching helping individuals tap into their purpose and passion in order to create a more fulfilling life. She graduated with a Juris Doctorate from the University of Texas at Austin, master’s degree from Howard University and bachelor’s degree from Fisk University.  She maintained a private practice for many years.  Since that time she has served as an education administrator specializing in human resources. Gerry enjoys writing and creating the space for individuals to redesign their life through defined goals and taking a spiritual approach to life.  You can learn more at her website:  www.thespiritworks.net.

Angela Carr Patterson Speaking on the Need for Self Love and Healing in Communities of Color

Podcast Episode 059                                                  Release date: April 29, 2016

Angela Carr PattersonOn this podcast Angela Carr Paterson, CEO and President of Oasis Promotions, LLC, discusses the need for self love and healing within communities of color. Although this is a sensitive and sometimes painful subject to talk about, Angela is able to go right to the heart of the matter insisting that we must first change ourselves as individuals and as communities if we want to achieve lasting success and the respect of others. Ms. Patterson provides a clear vision for lessening the unnecessary tragic suffering that takes place in many communities of color by replacing blame and judgment with active listening and compassion so that a new dialogue can take place among men, woman, children and parents to create community. Angela says that “facts tell, stories tell.” Known to many as The Love Lifestyle Coach ™, Angela is a trusted authority when it comes to helping women and girls to awaken to the truth of who they are and actualize the power of Self Love to create infinite success in their lives. Angela is the creator of the ground breaking work, The Journey to Being Process™, a program to help fatherless women and girls move beyond their daddy wounds onto a path of love, acceptance, and forgiveness. A speaker, author, Radio/TV host, Global Life Strategist, and founder of The Fatherless Daughters Network, Angela is committed to her entrepreneurial calling of inspiring others to Awaken to their truth and live Love as a Lifestyle. To learn more about Angela and her work visit her website http://angelacarrpatterson.com.



Dr. Robin Nagle Talks Trash as She Explains the Big Picture of What We Don’t Know About Garbage – Part One

Podcast Episode 058                                                  Release Date: April 22, 2016

Robin-Nagle-DSNY-InsigniaOn this podcast Dr. Robin Nagle, director of the John W. Draper Interdisciplinary Master’s Program at New York University talks about trash and how it affects our lives in ways we may not be aware of. Robin’s TED talk entitled “What I Discovered in New York City Trash” has gone viral, generating over 1.5 million unique views. Dr. Nagle is a clinical associate professor of anthropology and environmental studies at NYU and author of the book Picking Up: On the Streets and Behind the Trucks with the Sanitation Workers of New York City, an ethnography of the New York City Department of Sanitation. Her book is based on a decade of work with the Department of Sanitation, which included time on the job working as a uniformed sanitation worker. Dr Nagle’s work looks at the relationship between trash and cities. Within this broader perspective, she is especially interested in the people, history, and politics that are always inherent to labors of waste. Robin is also fascinated by the many ways in which garbage is implicated in every contemporary environmental crisis worldwide. In fact, Robin views sanitation workers as Guardians who protect and insure public health and safety as well as being key contributors to economic prosperity. She says that the public owes a debt of gratitude to the men and women sanitation workers who help keep us safe, and that perhaps because they do their jobs so well, we may take them for granted. To learn more about Dr. Nagle or to book her as a speaker visit her website: https://robinnagle.com. You can also follow her at https://twitter.com/rznagle




Dr. Tony Howell Explains How Delaying Gratification Leads to Academic and Career Success

Podcast Episode 057                                                     Release Date: April 15, 2016


On this podcast Dr. Tony Howell, the Executive Director of the EOP Program at NJIT, lays out the terrain in which academic and career success takes places at the K-12 and college levels. Dr. Howell distinguishes for listeners how new college students must transition from the paradigm of simply memorizing and regurgitating information presented to them to become co-creators and co-learners in order to excel at the undergraduate and graduate school levels. Dr. Howell says this is an active process and learning to delay gratification and having a future time orientation are foundational keys to academic and career success. Dr. Howell explains how students entering college without the skill set of delaying gratification can learn to alter their perceptions of time in order move away from the need for instant gratification and immediate rewards. Dr. Howell’s gift to students is that he is able to show those who are unfamiliar with the mental discipline required to successfully complete a high level engineering and computer science program how to practically implement new behaviors which lead to academic success. Tony has received numerous awards from prestigious engineering societies and is a respected leader in his field. Listen in to learn how Dr. Howell’s EOP Program at NJIT has been able to help hundreds of students graduate and excel in computer science and engineering careers.

Dr. Woody Johnson Discusses How to Eliminate the Fear of Success, Resistance, and Self-Sabotage that Keeps You Stuck

Podcast Episode 056                                                                      Release Date: 04/08/2016


On this podcast Dr. M. Woodruff Johnson author of the book From Pain to Profit: Secrets of the Peak Performance Trader shares his unique insights into the nature of fear and what holds us back from achieving our goals and the success we so desperately desire. Dr. Woody goes deep by zeroing in on the Fear of Success—a little talked about aspect of human nature that is often the core cause of self sabotage and failure. Dr. Woody goes right to the heart of the matter as he explains what fear is actually all about—Fear of Failure, Fear of Rejection, Fear of Emotional Discomfort, and the Fear of Being Wrong—that ultimately fear is survival mode thinking. Dr. Woody shares his view on how traders and others can win the mental game by first understanding that our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors determine our results. Dr. Woody says that by being willing to take personal responsibility for whatever results you are getting in life, you’ll increase your capacity to become self aware; this, along with using appreciative inquiry approaches as part of your trading (success) game plan is what will ultimately allow you to achieve high level results. Put another way, this process allows you to achieve inner and outer congruence such that your thoughts, feeling and behaviors are a “match” internally and externally. Dr. Woody makes the key point that if you want to excel, then you need to make your emotions allies instead of them being your enemies. If you’d like to learn more about Dr. Woody and his unique coaching approaches which accelerate your progress, visit his website at www.hitthetarget.org or email him at wjohnson@tradingacademy.com or give him a call at 310-892-4427. For Twitter followers, you can also reach out to Dr. Woody at #mario_woody.



Laura Norman Discusses The Power of Reflexology as a Restorative Force for Healing

Podcast Episode 055                                                        Release Date: 04/01/2016

laura_normanOn this podcast Laura Norman the foremost authority on Reflexology and the founder of the Laura Norman Holistic Reflexology Centers in New York City, The Berkshires and South Florida elaborates on the power of Reflexology as an ancient and modern holistic healing art. Laura is a Nationally Certified Reflexologist, Licensed Massage Therapist, Esthetician and Life Wellness CoachSM. She is the author of the best-selling book, Feet First: A Guide to Foot Reflexology, which is published in several languages and has sold half a million copies worldwide. Laura developed the most comprehensive Reflexology training programs available, and offers her programs at spas, salons, wellness centers, universities, hospitals, massage schools, the NY Podiatry College, Hippocrates Health Institute, as well as at her own Reflexology Training Centers. Enjoy listening in as Laura shares with us how the Laura Norman Holistic ReflexologySM treatments can dramatically improve your vitality and the overall quality of your life. You can learn more about Laura’s holistic Reflexology system by visiting her website: http://www.lauranorman.com.