Lee Weber Speaks about the Vital Need for Worldwide Addiction Recovery Services

Podcast Episode 114                          Release Date: May 19, 2017

Lee Weber Addiction Blog 2On this podcast, AddictionBlog.org Founder and Editor-in Chief Lee Weber shares her views on the vital need for worldwide addiction recovery services. Lee has made it her mission to inform others about addiction treatment options as well as providing information to the public that helps explain and prevent addiction and additive behaviors. As a woman in long term recovery from addiction, Lee is interested in alternative treatments that work and help people get to the root cause of their addiction: psycho-emotional issues. This passion translates from real life to online media, where Lee combines communications, content creation, and community development to assist and provide hope to others in need of healing and recovery. Lee tells you what the greatest stumbling block is to any addict’s recovery and what the primary triggers are for relapse. She also discusses the importance of family support and the complicated issues of compassion, empathy, forgiveness and self-forgiveness. Lee speaks from the heart including sharing how addicts benefit when they come to terms with the spiritual side of addiction and recovery. You can learn more about the good work Lee is doing to make the world a better place by visiting her website: addictionblog.org.


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