Catherine Boyer, MA, LCSW Discusses How NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback Training Boosts Creativity, Flexibility and Resilience

Podcast Episode: 119                                Release Date: June 23, 2017

On this podcast Catherine Boyer, MA, LCSW discusses how the NeurOptimal® brain training system enhances flexibility and resilience so that your maladaptive behaviors are modified in your favor. Catherine is an expert NeurOptimal® trainer who helps clients learn how to run their brains and nervous systems more efficiently. This allows you to become aware of additional choices in your life and create new levels of balanced awareness; giving you heightened levels of effectiveness and increased productivity. The NeurOptimal® works by interrupting brain shifts, so that your brain learns how to organically reorganize itself for optimal functioning. You can learn more about how Catherine’s NeurOptimal® neurofeedback training can help boost your performance by visiting her website





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