Allison Morgan, M.A. Discusses Zensational Kids in Action
/in Allison Morgan, children, Christine Wright, Educate 2B, Meditation, Podcasting, Podcasts, relaxation, Robert Wright, school, stress anxiety, StressFreeNow, students, testing, Yoga, Zensational Kids/by christopherPodcast Episode 120 Release Date: June 30, 2017
On this podcast Allison Morgan, MA, OTR, E-RYT continues to tell you how and why the Zensational Kids program helps children relax in the classroom so that they can learn and grasp their lessons easily with less stress and anxiety. Allison is a pediatric occupational therapist, and registered Yoga Alliance teacher who has worked with children of all abilities for over 25 years to improve their academic performance. Allison discusses the many benefits of yoga and mindfulness for children detailing the importance of the Relaxation Response for overall health and well being. She explains that the skills students need to live with compassion, kindness, and empathy can be learned. And she shares that her students in turn encourage their parents to lessen their stress with the tools they acquire from her program.
Allison is the author of the children’s book Wisdom Within and is the founder of Educate 2B: Tools for Engaged Learning and Living. This yoga and mindfulness program has been instrumental in bringing mind/body practices into educational and therapeutic settings. EDUCATE 2B supports school communities in building a greater culture of self-awareness, emotional regulation, compassion, and empathy. You can learn more about Allison and Zensational Kids by visiting her website or her Facebook page
Dr. Bob and Christine offer customized coaching packages to individuals and groups.
We are also available to speak to your group, association, organization, or company on topics concerning ways to improve Health, Stress-Relief and Well-being.
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Allison Morgan, M.A. Explains Her Zensational Kids Program
/in Allison Morgan, children, Christine Wright, Educate 2B, Meditation, Podcasting, Podcasts, relaxation, Robert Wright, school, stress anxiety, StressFreeNow, students, testing, Yoga, Zensational Kids/by christopherPodcast Episode 112 Release Date: May 5, 2017
On this podcast Allison Morgan, MA, OTR, E-RYT tells you how and why the Zensational Kids program helps children relax in the classroom so that they can learn and grasp their lessons easily with less stress and anxiety. Allison is a pediatric occupational therapist, and registered Yoga Alliance teacher who has worked with children of all abilities for over 25 years to improve their academic performance. After taking her first Yoga class, she noticed how calm it made her feel. Later, she began to wonder whether the children in her classes had ever felt a similar calmness. Subsequently, Allison introduced her students to Yoga and got amazing results.
Allison explains how no learning can occur in the classroom when a child’s “flight-flight-freeze” nervous system mechanism is activated. This means that whenever students are “up tight” or anxious, as a rule, they can never perform at their best due to how the brain is hardwired. Allison says that the most important person in the classroom is the teacher since she or he has the responsibility to set the tone and expectations for learning to take place. Allison is the author of the children’s book Wisdom Within and is the founder of Educate 2B: Tools for Engaged Learning and Living. This yoga and mindfulness program has been instrumental in bringing mind/body practices into educational and therapeutic settings. EDUCATE 2B supports school communities in building a greater culture of self-awareness, emotional regulation, compassion, and empathy. You can learn more about Allison and Zensational Kids by visiting her website or her Facebook page
Dr. Bob and Christine offer customized coaching packages to individuals and groups.
We are also available to speak to your group, association, organization, or company on topics concerning ways to improve Health, Stress-Relief and Well-being.
Contact us to learn how we may be of service to you.
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Like what you hear? Do you look forward to listening to our podcasts each week? If you do, consider becoming a part of our Stress Free Now Family by becoming a donor.
Your donations will allow us to upgrade our ability to bring you shows that are on the cutting edge of new knowledge and wisdom. This helps you improve the quality of your life by giving you the tools you need to reduce your habitual stress, anxiety, chronic pain, and grief.
Your donation helps make the world a better place for yourself and future generations.
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Dr. Deri Ronis speaking on Stress Reduction and Ways to Have More Joy and Peace of Mind in Your Life
/in anxiety, Christine Wright M.A., counseling, Deri Ronis, joy, MBSR, Meditation, Mindfulness, pain, peace of mind, Podcasting, Podcasts, relaxation, Robert Wright, stress/by christopherPodcast Episode 065 Release Date: June 10, 2016
On this podcast Dr. Deri Ronis shares her expertise on how you can use Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) to simultaneously lower your habitual stress levels and experience more joy and peace in your life. Dr. Ronis explains how and why Mindfulness Based Meditation works by reducing stress and anxiety since it helps an individual to become more aware of and to remain fully in the present moment of NOW. Dr. Ronis is the author of Soulful Love: The Search for the Self. She helps clients improve the quality of their lives by giving them the tools they desire to achieve balance without drama for the win-win. The work Deri does helps you find your center so that you can experience states of stillness and relaxed calm more often. To learn how you can derive benefits from working with Dr. Ronis, visit her website: or call her at 561-644-3904.
Dr. Bob and Christine offer customized coaching packages to individuals and groups.
We are also available to speak to your group, association, organization, or company on topics concerning ways to improve Health, Stress-Relief and Well-being.
Contact us to learn how we may be of service to you.
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Coach and Attorney Gerry J. Tucker discusses the importance of a nightly practice of gratitude, affirmations, reading and self-reflection so that you can have a life filled with blessings and peace – Part Two
/in Alan Greenwood, Bedside Chat, Christine Wright MA, Coaching, FX Inspirations, Gerry J. Tucker, Meditation, Muse Greenwood, Podcasting, Podcasts, poetry, Robert Wright Jr. Ph.D. COFT/by christopherPodcast Episode 060 Release Date: May 6, 2016
On this podcast Certified Professional Career and Life Coach and attorney Gerry Tucker continues to shares her inspirational messages from her book BEDSIDE CHAT: A Book of Inspiration and Meditation. Seven years ago Gerry began writing Bedside Chat for 100 of her closest friends. Each month a newsletter filled with inspirational messages would be mailed to her friends. During this time she also wrote poems for Mahogany magazine and articles for the Villager Newspaper and the Austin-American Statesman newspaper. She has taken the content of the newsletters and articles and created Bedside Chat. Gerry’s mission is to “help bring about a profound change for the better in the lives of other souls; to assist them in re-defining their goals and objectives, evaluating how to make choices for positive change. GOD and I working together can do this.” Whether serving on non-profit boards, managing human resource problems, writing articles and newsletters or conducting workshops, Gerry’s passion is working with women to achieve their dreams. As a spiritual, career, and life coach, Gerry does individual, private coaching helping individuals tap into their purpose and passion in order to create a more fulfilling life. She graduated with a Juris Doctorate from the University of Texas at Austin, master’s degree from Howard University and bachelor’s degree from Fisk University. She maintained a private practice for many years. Since that time she has served as an education administrator specializing in human resources. Gerry enjoys writing and creating the space for individuals to redesign their life through defined goals and taking a spiritual approach to life. You can learn more at her website:
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Coach and Attorney Gerry J. Tucker discusses the importance of a nightly practice of gratitude, affirmations, reading and self-reflection so that you can have a life filled with blessings and peace – Part One
/in Alan Greenwood, Bedside Chat, Christine Wright M.A., Coaching, Gerry J. Tucker, Inspiration FX, Meditation, Muse Greenwood, Podcasting, Podcasts, poetry, Robert Wright Jr. Ph.D. COFT/by christopherPodcast Episode 050 Release Date: 2/26/ 2016
On this podcast Certified Professional Career and Life Coach and attorney Gerry J. Tucker shares her inspirational messages from her recently released book entitled BEDSIDE CHAT: A Book of Inspiration and Meditation. Seven years ago Gerry began writing Bedside Chat for 100 of her closest friends. Each month a newsletter filled with inspirational messages would be mailed to her friends. During this time she also wrote poems for Mahogany magazine and articles for the Villager Newspaper and the Austin-American Statesman newspaper. She has taken the content of the newsletters and articles and created Bedside Chat. Gerry’s mission is to “help bring about a profound change for the better in the lives of other souls; to assist them in re-defining their goals and objectives, evaluating how to make choices for positive change. GOD and I working together can do this.” Whether serving on non-profit boards, managing human resource problems, writing articles and newsletters or conducting workshops, Gerry’s passion is working with women to achieve their dreams. As a spiritual, career, and life coach, Gerry does individual, private coaching helping individuals tap into their purpose and passion in order to create a more fulfilling life. She graduated with a Juris Doctorate from the University of Texas at Austin, master’s degree from Howard University and bachelor’s degree from Fisk University. She maintained a private practice for many years. Since that time she has served as an education administrator specializing in human resources. Gerry is a Certified Professional Career and Life Coach and enjoys writing and creating the space for individuals to redesign their life through defined goals and taking a spiritual approach to life.
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Award Winning Journalist and Best Selling Author Judith Pennington Shares Her Heartfelt Vision of the Transformative Power of Living the Work You Love
/in A.R.E., Anna Wise, Association for Research and Enlightenment, brainwaves, Christine Wright, Consciousness, dreams, Intuition, Judith Pennington, Meditation, Mind Mirror, Podcasting, Podcasts, psychic, Robert Wright Jr. Ph.D. COFT, StressFreeNow, The Voice of the Soul, Your Psychic Soul/by christopherPodcast Episode 046 Release Date: 1/29/2016
On this podcast award winning journalist, neuroscience researcher, and best selling author Judith Pennington shares with listeners how a near death experience elevated her consciousness and changed her life’s path to one where she became aware of the importance of Spirit. Judith is the author of The Voice of the Soul, a groundbreaking book about inspired writing and the science of spirituality, and Your Psychic Soul: Embracing Your Sixth Sense which takes the reader on a still deeper journey into the world of intuition and the superconscious mind of enlightenment. Published by Edgar Cayce’s 4th Dimension Press, Your Psychic Soul is a scientific and spiritual exploration of meditation, the brainwaves of consciousness, psi experiences, dreaming, inspired writing, hands-on healing, and the global shift in consciousness that is now underway. Judith regularly travels and teaches internationally for an organization she founded, The Institute for the Awakened Mind. Stateside, Judith travels for and presents at Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. headquarters located in Virginia Beach, Virginia. She also writes two free online publications, The Still Small Voice, and OneWorld Sprit which can be accessed from her primary website By listening to this podcast you’ll come to see how one seminal event can forever alter and transform the course of your life.
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