Chris Cade Tells You How to Dissolve Fear and Anxiety by Being Fully Present

Podcast Episode 079                     Release Date: September 16, 2016


Chris CadeOn this podcast Chris Cade shares his views on how you can begin to live without fear and anxiety by living in the present moment of NOW. Chris masterfully explains the difference between fear and anxiety with tips for distinguishing anxiety from fear. By following Chris’ advice you can begin to break free of trauma and painful “stuck” emotions regardless of their source. Chris emphasizes the importance of making daily relaxation exercises a habit in order to normalize your nervous system and build resiliency and stress hardiness. Doing so will empower you to overcome any fears or anxieties you may face more easily. Chris holds two 2nd degree black belts in Tae Kwon Do, the US National Champion title, and he placed 3rd at the Super Grands World Games in 1994. He is the author of Unchain Your Dreams: Conquer the Fear of Failure Quickly and Easily. Chris is an inspiring motivational speaker and his perspective helps move you forward towards finding your authentic self. To learn more about Chris’ inspiring message of hope and action and how his approach to living helps you live in the zone of excellence more often, go to his website





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