Jeanne M. Stafford Discusses How to Get Better Communication Results

Podcast Episode 103                    Release Date: March 3, 2017

Jeanne M Stafford

On this podcast Jeanne Stafford tells you how you can get better communication results by learning to stop seeking perfection and by identifying and correcting your “blindspots.” Jeanne is a professional speaker and communications  trainer who worked for over 15 years as a political and non-profit  fundraiser for local, national and international clients. She says that the key to being resilient is not to take things personally as well as learning how to step into your own power by becoming fearless. Jeanne explains the unique benefits your can receive from being “pathologically optimistic” so that in the right context, you’ll be able to soar past obstacles and achieve your goals where others might simply give up. This can be especially true when working to figure out “how” not to blow your top when dealing with difficult or “unreasonable” people. Jeanne’s approach allows you to be more resilient in the face of interpersonal conflict and establish strong, ongoing relationships  at  home and at work. Jeanne uses Improv to successfully shift  you into a  more proactive state so that you can begin to experience  flow in all of  your interactions. Jeanne also shares her view that most of what’s wrong in our lives is that we are holding  onto conflict. She says that the less you resist, the  faster you can “connect” with others and get what you really want. To learn more about Jeanne and how you can benefit from working with her, visit her website Be sure to claim your free 30 Day to Yes gift.



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