Lily Sloane, LMFT speaks about her new hit podcast series A Therapist Walks into a Bar!

Podcast Episode 082                                           Release Date: October 7, 2016

lily-sloaneOn this podcast Family and Marriage Therapist Lily Sloane discusses the creative processes behind the creation of her successful and well received podcast series entitled A Therapist Walks into a Bar. Lily explains what it’s like to talk to bar patrons in this surprising way and how doing so can alter the perspective people have about what psychotherapy is and is not. Importantly, Lily emphasizes that what she does in the bar is definitely NOT therapy and she doesn’t limit her approach to bars either: now she’s expanded to talking to people picnicking in local parks in San Francisco and simply asks if she can join the conversation! How exciting and creative! Interestingly enough, Lily also tells you what it’s like to experience social rejection because she’s not a drinker as well as sharing the pain of her existential grief from relationship break ups. Lily graduated with a Master’s degree from the Counseling Psychology  program at the California Institute of Integral Studies and is the board President for the San Francisco Chapter  of the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists. Lily helps clients who have eating disorders and body images issues;  clients with addiction and substance abuse issues; couples in need  of relationship therapy; and clients who are performers and artists  of all types seeking greater levels of self awareness and self  worth. You can learn more about Lily and her work by visiting her website and  checking out her podcast series entitled A Therapist Walks into a Bar:




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