Dr. Maria Nemeth Speaks about Hope in Action

Podcast Episode 105                           Release Date:  March 17, 2017

Maria Nemeth - Headshot 1 - SquareOn this podcast Dr. Maria Nemeth speaks about her signature topic Hope in Action. Known as the Master Coach for Purpose-Driven Leaders, Dr. Nemeth helps purpose-driven people everywhere see their greatness and bring it all to life. Designed and refined over decades of work with people all over the world, her Luminous Life Method™ turns timeless wisdom into practical skills that have helped tens of thousands to live and serve with clarity, focus, ease, and grace. As  Founder and Director of the Academy for Coaching Excellence, she  has trained thousands of people worldwide in the nonprofit, for-profit,  and governmental sectors. She  is a leading expert in leadership excellence, personal/professional  development, and financial empowerment, whose work has been featured  on The Oprah Winfrey Show. Maria  is the author of two highly-acclaimed books: The Energy of Money, available in five languages, and its follow-up, Mastering Life’s  Energies, both of which have given people everywhere a way to begin  putting success principles into immediate practice in their lives. Additionally, Maria is the author of the forthcoming book entitled Forgiveness. To learn more about how Maria can help you improve your life, visit her website https://acecoachtraining.com/  Podcast listeners can claim Maria’s free offer at https://acecoachtraining.com/blueprint.




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