Dr. Constance Scharff Shows You the Pathway to Addiction Recovery

Podcast Episode 133                                                      Release Date: February 23, 2018

On this podcast Dr. Connie Scharff shares her heartfelt story of addiction recovery as well as the mechanisms and steps you have to undergo to reach and maintain a successful recovery. Dr. Scharff is the author of Ending Addiction for Good and Meeting God at Midnight. She is an internationally recognized speaker and author on the topics of addiction recovery, women’s health, and overcoming trauma. In her role as an addiction researcher, Dr. Scharff  brings the latest in evidence-based addiction treatment information to those who suffer from addiction worldwide. Her primary goal is to eliminate the stigma that is too often associated with addiction and other mental health disorders so that individuals in need of care will be able to receive treatment and recover. Dr. Scharff is a board member of the Society for Consciousness Studies, a member of the American Psychological Association and a member of the World Federation for Mental Health. She is a life-long Girl Scout and in her spare time, Dr. Scharff rides a half-Arabian gelding. You can learn more about Dr. Scharff’s insightful approaches to addiction recovery by visiting her website: www.constancescharff.com


Robert_Bob_Wright_JrChristine_WrightDr. Bob and Christine offer customized coaching packages to individuals and groups.

We are also available to speak to your group, association, organization, or company on topics concerning ways to improve Health, Stress-Relief and Well-being.

Contact us to learn how we may be of service to you.

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Like what you hear? Do you look forward to listening to our podcasts each week? If you do, consider becoming a part of our Stress Free Now Family by becoming a donor.

Your donations will allow us to upgrade our ability to bring you shows that are on the cutting edge of new knowledge and wisdom. This helps you improve the quality of your life by giving you the tools you need to reduce your habitual stress, anxiety, chronic pain, and grief.

Your donation helps make the world a better place for yourself and future generations.

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Carey Davidson Discusses Inner Guidance

Podcast Episode 122                                                                      Release Date: July 14, 2017

On this podcast Carey Davidson, CEO of Tournesol Wellness, shares her novel ultimate relaxation program for balancing and nourishing mind, body and soul. Carey developed a treatment which combines her gift for Intuitive Energy Balancing with Vibroacoustics that helps you recognize your own innate abilities.  Her company, Tournesol Wellness, is an integrative healing arts and medical practice based in midtown Manhattan. Tournesol is the exclusive location in the NY-NJ-CT tri-state area for Vibroacoustic Sound Therapy on a liquid table. Carey is also the founder and Executive Director of Tournesol Kids, a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization empowering children with holistic strategies to live healthy, resilient and successful lives. In this conversation Carey shares her transformative experience of learning how to quiet her internal turmoil so that she could hear her own inner guidance.  She explains that as she felt more settled inside she was able to move forward in her life with greater clarity of purpose. Listen in as she shares her practices to overcome fear and overwhelm. And hear how Carey’s Tournesol Kids teaches children kindness and compassion.  Carey has been covered in W Magazine, The New York Observer and NBC News. You can find out more about her work and how her Tournesol Wellness can improve the quality of your life at https://www.tournesolwellness.com.



Robert_Bob_Wright_JrChristine_WrightDr. Bob and Christine offer customized coaching packages to individuals and groups.

We are also available to speak to your group, association, organization, or company on topics concerning ways to improve Health, Stress-Relief and Well-being.


Contact us to learn how we may be of service to you.


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Like what you hear? Do you look forward to listening to our podcasts each week? If you do, consider becoming a part of our Stress Free Now Family by becoming a donor.

Your donations will allow us to upgrade our ability to bring you shows that are on the cutting edge of new knowledge and wisdom. This helps you improve the quality of your life by giving you the tools you need to reduce your habitual stress, anxiety, chronic pain, and grief.

Your donation helps make the world a better place for yourself and future generations.

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Introduction to StressFreeNow Podcast Series (R)

Podcast Episode 116 – Rebroadcast                                             Release Date: June 2, 2017

Originally released May 1, 2015 as Podcast Episode 000. Dr. Robert Wright, Jr., COFT and Christine Wright, M.A. discuss why and how StressFreeNow can be your go to source for relieving your stress, anxiety and chronic pain issues. They explain how and why getting a handle on your stress benefits you and is critical for maintaining healthy well being. Their podcast series provides solutions that you the listener can use to reduce or dissolve the pain points in your own life. Since most of us want to avoid or minimize our pain, listening in to our weekly podcast show series at StressFreeNow helps you feel better in a short while so that you can enjoy a happier lifestyle with less stress. To learn more about how our gentle approach can benefit you and provide solutions for your stress, anxiety, grief and chronic pain issues, check out our website at www.StressFreeNow.info and subscribe to our monthly newsletter.

Orgasmic Relaxation Book Cover 7-Tips-for-Avoiding-Stress-Book-Cover-1000x1249



Robert_Bob_Wright_JrChristine_WrightDr. Bob and Christine offer customized coaching packages to individuals and groups.

We are also available to speak to your group, association, organization, or company on topics concerning ways to improve Health, Stress-Relief and Well-being.


Contact us to learn how we may be of service to you.


Become a Donor

Like what you hear? Do you look forward to listening to our podcasts each week? If you do, consider becoming a part of our Stress Free Now Family by becoming a donor.

Your donations will allow us to upgrade our ability to bring you shows that are on the cutting edge of new knowledge and wisdom. This helps you improve the quality of your life by giving you the tools you need to reduce your habitual stress, anxiety, chronic pain, and grief.

Your donation helps make the world a better place for yourself and future generations.

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Lee Weber Speaks about the Vital Need for Worldwide Addiction Recovery Services

Podcast Episode 114                          Release Date: May 19, 2017

Lee Weber Addiction Blog 2On this podcast, AddictionBlog.org Founder and Editor-in Chief Lee Weber shares her views on the vital need for worldwide addiction recovery services. Lee has made it her mission to inform others about addiction treatment options as well as providing information to the public that helps explain and prevent addiction and additive behaviors. As a woman in long term recovery from addiction, Lee is interested in alternative treatments that work and help people get to the root cause of their addiction: psycho-emotional issues. This passion translates from real life to online media, where Lee combines communications, content creation, and community development to assist and provide hope to others in need of healing and recovery. Lee tells you what the greatest stumbling block is to any addict’s recovery and what the primary triggers are for relapse. She also discusses the importance of family support and the complicated issues of compassion, empathy, forgiveness and self-forgiveness. Lee speaks from the heart including sharing how addicts benefit when they come to terms with the spiritual side of addiction and recovery. You can learn more about the good work Lee is doing to make the world a better place by visiting her website: addictionblog.org.


Robert_Bob_Wright_JrChristine_WrightDr. Bob and Christine offer customized coaching packages to individuals and groups.

We are also available to speak to your group, association, organization, or company on topics concerning ways to improve Health, Stress-Relief and Well-being.


Contact us to learn how we may be of service to you.


Become a Donor

Like what you hear? Do you look forward to listening to our podcasts each week? If you do, consider becoming a part of our Stress Free Now Family by becoming a donor.

Your donations will allow us to upgrade our ability to bring you shows that are on the cutting edge of new knowledge and wisdom. This helps you improve the quality of your life by giving you the tools you need to reduce your habitual stress, anxiety, chronic pain, and grief.

Your donation helps make the world a better place for yourself and future generations.

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Carey Davidson Explains How You Can Experience Ultimate Relaxation Nirvana at Tournesol Wellness

Podcast Episode 113                                               Release Date: May 12, 2017

On this podcast Carey Davidson, CEO of Tournesol Wellness, shares her novel ultimate relaxation program for balancing and nourishing mind, body and soul. Her company, Tournesol Wellness, is an integrative healing arts and medical practice based in midtown Manhattan.  Tournesol is the exclusive location in the NY-NJ-CT tri-state area for Vibroacoustic Sound Therapy on a liquid table. Carey developed a treatment which combines her gift for Intuitive Energy Balancing with Vibroacoustics that helps you recognize your own innate abilities. Her approach helps you create new possibilities for a profound and meaningful life with purpose. Carey frequently speaks on panels about integrative medicine, writes regular holistic health columns and gives private sessions. She has been covered in W Magazine, The New York Observer and NBC News. Carey is also the founder and Executive Director of Tournesol Kids, a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization empowering children with holistic strategies to live healthy, resilient and successful lives.  You can find out more about Carey’s work and how her Tournesol Wellness can improve the quality of your life at https://www.tournesolwellness.com/intuitive-energy-balancing.


Robert_Bob_Wright_JrChristine_WrightDr. Bob and Christine offer customized coaching packages to individuals and groups.

We are also available to speak to your group, association, organization, or company on topics concerning ways to improve Health, Stress-Relief and Well-being.


Contact us to learn how we may be of service to you.


Become a Donor

Like what you hear? Do you look forward to listening to our podcasts each week? If you do, consider becoming a part of our Stress Free Now Family by becoming a donor.

Your donations will allow us to upgrade our ability to bring you shows that are on the cutting edge of new knowledge and wisdom. This helps you improve the quality of your life by giving you the tools you need to reduce your habitual stress, anxiety, chronic pain, and grief.

Your donation helps make the world a better place for yourself and future generations.

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Reggie Marra, M.A., A.C.C. Speaks about Grief and the Healing Process (R)

Podcast Episode 090 – Rebroadcast                                             Release Date: December 2, 2016


Reggie_MarraOriginally released September 11, 2015 as Podcast Episode 026. On this podcast Certified Integral Master Coach™ Reggie Marra speaks about grief and the healing process. Reggie distinguishes grief from mourning, and he shares his five practices for supporting healing. Reggie is a partner with Paradox Edge, a business coaching and consulting firm. He is also an educator and teaching poet, a former teacher, basketball coach, and administrator in secondary and higher education. Reggie has presented his poetry and workshops for the National Association for Poetry Therapy, the Transformative Language Arts Network, the National Speakers Association, the Iona Spirituality Institute, TEC Canada and Vistage USA. Reggie is the author of The Quality of Effort, which delivers a powerful message of hope, filled with humanity and honest answers to questions we sometimes think about but may not want to ask ourselves. Reggie is also a certified Leadership Agility 360 Coach, and he holds an ACC credential with the International Coach Federation. He helps clients get results. To learn more about Reggie and how his comprehensive Integral coaching approach can help boost your performance and help you achieve your goals, visit his website www.ReggieMarra.com or www.QualityofEffort.com.



Robert_Bob_Wright_JrChristine_WrightDr. Bob and Christine offer customized coaching packages to individuals and groups.

We are also available to speak to your group, association, organization, or company on topics concerning ways to improve Health, Stress-Relief and Well-being.


Contact us to learn how we may be of service to you.


Become a Donor

Like what you hear? Do you look forward to listening to our podcasts each week? If you do, consider becoming a part of our Stress Free Now Family by becoming a donor.

Your donations will allow us to upgrade our ability to bring you shows that are on the cutting edge of new knowledge and wisdom. This helps you improve the quality of your life by giving you the tools you need to reduce your habitual stress, anxiety, chronic pain, and grief.

Your donation helps make the world a better place for yourself and future generations.

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Dr. David Clarke Discusses the Causes of Anxiety

Podcast Episode 087                                                         Release Date: November 11, 2016

On this podcast David Clarke, MD, President of the Psychophysiologic Disorders Association discusses the biological causes of anxiety and the deleterious effects of adverse childhood experiences.  Dr. Clarke explains how stress can cause real illnesses and he elaborates on why most doctors aren’t trained to look for non-physical causes of illness. According to Dr. Clarke, approximately 1 in 6 or 40 million Americans are afflicted with PPD. Dr. Clarke is Clinical Assistant Professor of Gastroenterology Emeritus and Assistant Director of the Center for Ethics both at Oregon Health & Science University.  On this podcast he explains how ongoing abuse, neglect, or toxic environment in your formative years can manifest as anxiety in later life.  Dr. Clarke is the author of They Can’t Find Anything Wrong! For his own stress he prescribes playing indoor soccer, photography, hiking among mountains and adventures with his family and his wife’s cooking. He lives in Happy Valley, Oregon, which is near Portland. You can learn more about Dr. Clarke and PPD by visiting his website http://stressillness.com/ and his blog “The Stress Check Up.”




Robert_Bob_Wright_JrChristine_WrightDr. Bob and Christine offer customized coaching packages to individuals and groups.

We are also available to speak to your group, association, organization, or company on topics concerning ways to improve Health, Stress-Relief and Well-being.


Contact us to learn how we may be of service to you.


Become a Donor

Like what you hear? Do you look forward to listening to our podcasts each week? If you do, consider becoming a part of our Stress Free Now Family by becoming a donor.

Your donations will allow us to upgrade our ability to bring you shows that are on the cutting edge of new knowledge and wisdom. This helps you improve the quality of your life by giving you the tools you need to reduce your habitual stress, anxiety, chronic pain, and grief.

Your donation helps make the world a better place for yourself and future generations.

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Alan Eisenberg Discusses Stress and Isolation Issues

Podcast Episode 080                                              Release Date: September 23, 2016


Today we are pleased to bring you a joint podcast in collaboration with our friend and colleague Alan Eisenberg founder of Bullying Recovery and the host of Healthy University podcasts. Alan is the author of the highly acclaimed book “A Ladder In The Dark: My Journey from Bullying to Self Acceptance.”  He is the creator of the very successful blog https://bullyinglte.wordpress.com/  where he shares information on the long term effects of bullying and bullying recovery. Alan has also had a successful career as a visual communications expert, elearning web and video producer/programmer and writer. A keynote speaker, Alan’s dream is to one day help others on a full time basis with solutions to bullying including implementation of stricter laws and support systems in our school and workplaces. To learn more about Alan visit his website http://bullyingrecovery.org or consider checking out a copy of his helpful book A Ladder In The Dark: My Journey from Bullying to Self-Acceptance.





Robert_Bob_Wright_JrChristine_WrightDr. Bob and Christine offer customized coaching packages to individuals and groups.

We are also available to speak to your group, association, organization, or company on topics concerning ways to improve Health, Stress-Relief and Well-being.


Contact us to learn how we may be of service to you.


Become a Donor

Like what you hear? Do you look forward to listening to our podcasts each week? If you do, consider becoming a part of our Stress Free Now Family by becoming a donor.

Your donations will allow us to upgrade our ability to bring you shows that are on the cutting edge of new knowledge and wisdom. This helps you improve the quality of your life by giving you the tools you need to reduce your habitual stress, anxiety, chronic pain, and grief.

Your donation helps make the world a better place for yourself and future generations.

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Dr. David Clarke Explains How to Heal Unexplainable Pain When You Are Suffering from Psychophysiologic Disorders (PPD)

Podcast Episode 070                                             Release Date: July 15, 2016

On this podcast David Clarke, MD, President of the Psychophysiologic Disorders Association, explains how stress can cause real illnesses as he elaborates on why most doctors aren’t trained to look for non-physical causes of illness. According to Dr. Clarke, approximately 1 in 6 or 40 million Americans are afflicted with PPD. Dr. Clarke is Clinical Assistant Professor of Gastroenterology Emeritus and Assistant Director of the Center for Ethics both at Oregon Health & Science University. He is board-certified in Gastroenterology and Internal Medicine, and practiced medicine in Portland, Oregon from 1984 to 2009. Dr. Clarke has successfully cared for thousands of patients with stress illness, often sent to him after other doctors were unable to help them. He has been a visiting professor at Oxford University Hospital in England and at the Royal Children’s Hospital in Brisbane, Australia. He was twice named a Top Doctor in Portland Monthly magazine. Dr. Clarke is the author of They Can’t Find Anything Wrong!  For his own stress he prescribes playing indoor soccer, photography, hiking among mountains and adventures with his family and his wife’s cooking. He lives in Happy Valley, Oregon, which is near Portland. You can learn more about Dr. Clarke and PPD by visiting his website http://stressillness.com/ and his blog  “The Stress Check Up.”




Robert_Bob_Wright_JrChristine_WrightDr. Bob and Christine offer customized coaching packages to individuals and groups.

We are also available to speak to your group, association, organization, or company on topics concerning ways to improve Health, Stress-Relief and Well-being.


Contact us to learn how we may be of service to you.


Become a Donor

Like what you hear? Do you look forward to listening to our podcasts each week? If you do, consider becoming a part of our Stress Free Now Family by becoming a donor.

Your donations will allow us to upgrade our ability to bring you shows that are on the cutting edge of new knowledge and wisdom. This helps you improve the quality of your life by giving you the tools you need to reduce your habitual stress, anxiety, chronic pain, and grief.

Your donation helps make the world a better place for yourself and future generations.

Please donate now!

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Lee Weber Discusses Rising Above the Pain and Debilitating Effects of Addiction

Podcast Episode 053                                                      Release Date: 3/18/2016

Lee Weber Addiction Blog 2On this podcast Lee Weber, Editor-in-Chief of Addiction Blog shares her story of addiction recovery and her mission to inform others about addiction treatments and its options. On Addiction Blog, Lee combines communications, content creation, and community development to assist and provide hope to others in need of recovery. Lee describes the underlying causes of addiction, the damaging effects of long-term abuse and the various treatments, resources, and support systems available to addicts including Allies in Recovery and CRAFT – Community Reinforcement and Family Training that focus on changing debilitating patterns and behaviors. Lee Weber is an expert on the subject matter who gives the sobering statistics on predisposition to drug use and addiction, the psycho-emotional triggers that lead to addiction, and the neuroscience and hormonal changes that may hold the keys to understanding addiction and it’s successful treatment.  Learn more at addictionblog.org or email Lee at Lee@addictionblog.org.