Coach and Attorney Gerry J. Tucker discusses the importance of a nightly practice of gratitude, affirmations, reading and self-reflection so that you can have a life filled with blessings and peace – Part Two

Podcast Episode 060                                                         Release Date: May 6, 2016


On this podcast Certified Professional Career and Life Coach and attorney Gerry Tucker continues to shares her inspirational messages from her book  BEDSIDE CHAT: A Book of Inspiration and Meditation. Seven years ago Gerry began writing Bedside Chat for 100 of her closest friends.  Each month a newsletter filled with inspirational messages would be mailed to her friends.  During this time she also wrote poems for Mahogany magazine and articles for the Villager Newspaper and the Austin-American Statesman newspaper.  She has taken the content of the newsletters and articles and created Bedside Chat. Gerry’s mission is to “help bring about a profound change for the better in the lives of other souls; to assist them in re-defining their goals and objectives, evaluating how to make choices for positive change. GOD and I working together can do this.” Whether serving on non-profit boards, managing human resource problems, writing articles and newsletters or conducting workshops, Gerry’s passion is working with women to achieve their dreams.  As a spiritual, career, and life coach, Gerry does individual, private coaching helping individuals tap into their purpose and passion in order to create a more fulfilling life. She graduated with a Juris Doctorate from the University of Texas at Austin, master’s degree from Howard University and bachelor’s degree from Fisk University.  She maintained a private practice for many years.  Since that time she has served as an education administrator specializing in human resources. Gerry enjoys writing and creating the space for individuals to redesign their life through defined goals and taking a spiritual approach to life.  You can learn more at her website: