Dr. Ken Jennings Discusses the Critical Role Re-Inventing Yourself Plays in Career Success – Part 2

Podcast Episode 064                                                 Release Date: June 3, 2016

Ken Jennings

On this podcast environmental scientist and consultant Dr. Ken Jennings continues his discussion on how and why re-inventing yourself leads to career success. Just like a star quarterback, Dr. Jennings goes deep as he tells you how he successfully handled being bullied in Middle school; how he handled his Existential grief from being unfairly rejected in the corporate world: “It’s not rejection, it’s affirmation;” as well as how to comply with international cultural norms: do’s and don’ts while traveling as an American outside the USA. Dr. Jennings has over 25 years of experience working in government, industry, and consulting. While in government, he worked at the US EPA Headquarters, while in the private sector he worked for Amoco, Shell and Microsoft Corporations. Ken’s areas of expertise include sustainability, energy, and climate change in Africa and the Caribbean. He is an Adjunct Professor of Environmental Management for the University of Maryland University Center and consults for major industries and governments. As Managing Director of K2J, Ken’s most recent speaking engagements include The African Presidential Roundtable on Energy Strategy for the 21st Century in Mauritius; The Africa Energy Indaba in Johannesburg; The African Presidential Roundtable on Energy Security in Johannesburg; The Joint UK, US, Niger Investment Forum in London; Micro Grid World Forum in Irvine; Compliance and Risks Webinar – Doing Business in a Regulated Africa. Dr. Jennings earned a BS in geology and geophysics from Yale, a Masters in geology from the University of California Santa Barbara, and a Doctorate in environmental science and engineering from UCLA. He is married and has one daughter. In his leisure time Dr. Jennings enjoys playing basketball, traveling and writing. Ken is also the Yale alumni Class of ’76 Secretary. To learn more about Ken’s work as Managing Director of K2J, visit his website: www.k2jenvironmental.com. To contact Ken, you can email him at kvbjii@icloud.com, call him at 425-785-8963 or reach him using his Twitter handle @kvbj47.

Dr. Les Fehmi and Susan Shor-Fehmi, LCSW, Explain How Open Focus™ Helps You Dissolve Your Stress, Anxiety, Grief and Chronic Pain

Podcast Episode 063                                                      Release Date: May 27, 2016

Les and SusanOn this podcast biofeedback and neurofeedback pioneer Dr. Les Fehmi and Susan Shor-Fehmi, LCSW, give you an opportunity to start off your holiday weekend right by showing you how you can easily learn to dissolve your chronic pain, anxiety, stress and grief by using Open Focus™. Dr. Fehmi is Director of the Princeton Biofeedback Centre in Princeton, New Jersey and author of the best-selling books The Open-Focus Brain and Dissolving Pain. He is a founding member of the Biofeedback Society of America (now AAPB). For over thirty years he has conducted research and practiced clinically in the area of attention and EEG biofeedback, helping clients get superior stress relief results. Susan Shor-Fehmi, LCSW, Executive Director of the Princeton Biofeedback Centre, has taught Open Focus™ and neurofeedback for over twenty years, specializing in multi-channel, phase-synchrony, brain wave training. Susan has long been interested in the integration of neurofeedback, attention training, and psychodynamic psychotherapy and how to use these techniques to achieve beneficial clinical solutions for clients. To learn more about Dr. Les Fehmi and Susan Shor-Fehmi, LCSW and how neurofeedback and Open Focus™ can improve your life, visit their website: www.OpenFocus.com or you can call them at the Princeton Biofeedback Centre at 609-924-0782.


Professional Photographer Andrea Reese Shares Her Views on the Value of Career Versatility

Podcast Episode 061                                                     Release Date: May 13, 2016

Andrea ReeseOn this podcast Professional Photographer Andrea Reese speaks about the benefits of reinventing yourself career wise so that you can live a rewarding and fulfilling life. Andrea Reese is a portrait and event photographer based in Brooklyn, NY. Her photos have appeared in the New York Times, The Daily News and other media outlets. She specializes in the camera shy, creating a friendly, comfortable setting. Previously, Andrea was a classical singer and actress. She wrote and performed the acclaimed one-woman play about Jackie O, “Cirque Jacqueline”, which ran for six years. To learn more about Andrea visit her photography website at andreaseye.com.



Coach and Attorney Gerry J. Tucker discusses the importance of a nightly practice of gratitude, affirmations, reading and self-reflection so that you can have a life filled with blessings and peace – Part Two

Podcast Episode 060                                                         Release Date: May 6, 2016


On this podcast Certified Professional Career and Life Coach and attorney Gerry Tucker continues to shares her inspirational messages from her book  BEDSIDE CHAT: A Book of Inspiration and Meditation. Seven years ago Gerry began writing Bedside Chat for 100 of her closest friends.  Each month a newsletter filled with inspirational messages would be mailed to her friends.  During this time she also wrote poems for Mahogany magazine and articles for the Villager Newspaper and the Austin-American Statesman newspaper.  She has taken the content of the newsletters and articles and created Bedside Chat. Gerry’s mission is to “help bring about a profound change for the better in the lives of other souls; to assist them in re-defining their goals and objectives, evaluating how to make choices for positive change. GOD and I working together can do this.” Whether serving on non-profit boards, managing human resource problems, writing articles and newsletters or conducting workshops, Gerry’s passion is working with women to achieve their dreams.  As a spiritual, career, and life coach, Gerry does individual, private coaching helping individuals tap into their purpose and passion in order to create a more fulfilling life. She graduated with a Juris Doctorate from the University of Texas at Austin, master’s degree from Howard University and bachelor’s degree from Fisk University.  She maintained a private practice for many years.  Since that time she has served as an education administrator specializing in human resources. Gerry enjoys writing and creating the space for individuals to redesign their life through defined goals and taking a spiritual approach to life.  You can learn more at her website:  www.thespiritworks.net.

Dr. Robert Weil Discusses How to Stay Healthy While Playing Sports and Prevent Unnecessary Injuries – Part One

Podcast Episode 045                                                          Release Date: 1/22/2016

Dr Robert Weil from Sun-Times MediaOn this podcast Dr. Robert A. Weil, Doctor of Podiatry Medicine, who is affectionately known as Dr. Bob, the Sports Doctor, explains the critical role your feet play in athletic performance. Dr. Bob is a medical authority in the areas of injury prevention and sports medicine who emphasizes the importance of being on top your game mentally and physically by becoming more aware of your feet and proper foot care. Dr. Bob is the host of The Sports Doctor, heard on http://www.healthylife.net, Wednesdays at 3PM Central Time. He was formerly on radio station WDCB 90.9 FM in Chicago for more than 20 years. In his clinical practice Dr. Bob successfully guides patients to pay close attention to safety and shoe fit in order to enhance their healthy well being and prevent injuries for both adults and children.  Dr. Bob has been a podiatrist to world class athletes including Evan Lysacek, Men’s Ice Skating Olympic Gold Medalist who was recently inducted into the Figure Skating Hall of Fame. To learn more about how Dr. Bob can help you up your sports game, visit his website at http://www.sportsdoctorradio.com/.