Entries by christopher

Dr. Robert “Bob” Wright, Jr. Discusses Dissolving Chronic Pain With Open Focus When You Have An Addiction

Podcast Episode 097                                               Release Date: January 20, 2017 On this podcast Dr. Bob, the Stress Relief Doctor, shares information on how you can reduce your chronic pain when you have an addiction […]

Carol Ann Liaros Explains How You Can Up Your Game by Learning to Use Your Natural Intuitive Faculties

Podcast Episode 096                                               Release Date: January 13, 2017 On this podcast renowned psychic Carol Ann Liaros tells you how and why learning to use your natural intuitive abilities can increase your levels […]

Carol Ann Liaros Discusses Using Intuition in Everyday Life

Podcast Episode     095                                                   Release Date:  January 6, 2017 On this podcast renowned psychic Carol Ann Liaros explains how you can learn to use and benefit from learning to see Auras that surround the human body. Carol Ann Liaros is a professional psychic who has trained others in the field of Parapsychology. For eight of her fifty […]

Dr. Bob and Christine Wright Discuss How to Stop Ruminating

Podcast Episode 094                                                             Release Date: December 30, 2016 On this podcast Dr. Bob, the Stress Relief Doctor and Self Actualization Coach Christine Wright, M.A., CSL discuss how and why ruminating can ruin your life and what you can do to end that habit. They explain that rumination that negatively affects your life is actually […]

Dr. Bob and Christine Wright Ask “Is Your To Do List Longer Than Your Day?”

Podcast Episode 093                                                                                                       Release Date: December 23, 2016 On this podcast Dr. Bob, the Stress Relief Doctor and Success Coach Christine Wright, M.A., CSL discuss the stress caused by having too much to do in your day. Dr. Bob, and Christine are speakers, wellness coaches, and authors.  Their passion includes sharing information and providing […]

Dr. Bob and Christine Wright Discuss the Benefits of Establishing and Maintaining Rapport in Your Communications

Podcast Episode 092                                                      Release Date: December 16, 2016 On this podcast Dr. Bob and Christine Wright discuss the Benefits of Maintaining Rapport in Communication. Dr. Bob, the Stress Relief Doctor, and Success Coach Christine are speakers, wellness coaches, and authors.  Their passion includes sharing information and providing solutions that helps you to feel better now.  […]

Audra Grady Miller Explains the 4 Myths Heart Centered Entrepreneurs Struggle With While Creating Conscious Sustainable Businesses

Podcast Episode 091                                                                             Release Date: December 9, 2016 On this podcast Audra Grady Miller shows you how to get out of your own way by dispelling the myths that may be holding you back from moving forward in your business. Audra has a Master of Sciene in organizational management and she is working on […]

Reggie Marra, M.A., A.C.C. Speaks about Grief and the Healing Process (R)

Podcast Episode 090 – Rebroadcast                                             Release Date: December 2, 2016   Originally released September 11, 2015 as Podcast Episode 026. On this podcast Certified Integral Master Coach Reggie Marra speaks about grief and the healing process. Reggie distinguishes grief from mourning, and he shares his five practices for supporting healing. Reggie is a partner with […]

Dr. Allan Leslie Combs Discusses the Role of Consciousness in Every Day Life: Part 1 (R)

Podcast Episode 089 – Rebroadcast                                           Release Date: November 25, 2016 Originally released May 29, 2015 as Podcast Episode 011.  On this podcast Dr. Allan Leslie Combs the first endowed chair Doshi Professor of Transformative Studies and Director of The Center for Consciousness Studies at the California Institute of Integral Studies provides listeners with his […]

Audra Grady Miller Discusses How Conscious Sustainable Business Owners Can Attract and Serve their Ideal Clients without Selling

Podcast Episode 088                                                        Release Date: November 18, 2016 On this podcast Audra Grady Miller directly addresses the key pain point many heart centered business owners face: how to get and keep their ideal clients while providing products and services that allow them to spread joy in the world and simultaneously make a living by following […]