Shelby Stanger Talks About Her Pursuit of Living A Life of Adventure

Podcast Episode 106 Release               Date: March 24, 2017

ShelbyStangerDuckdive JPGOn this podcast Shelby Stanger shares her view of what it means to live life to the fullest while simultaneously having to deal with the  realities  of life as well as what gives her life meaning. Shelby explains how she learned to deal with rejection of her article submissions as a journalist and how she managed to overcome the shock and despair that arose due to the unexpected early death of her father. As a self described “surfer girl,” Shelby has sand-boarded down  desolate dunes in South Africa, standup paddled in a remote  part of the  Amazon river in Brazil, and surfed big waves in Indonesia  and New Zealand. She describes how surfing produces a type of stillness and mindfulness that produces flow. Shelby says that when you’re surfing, there’s no time to think, so you have to learn how to “let go” and trust your instincts. Shelby also explains how she empowers  women  by teaching them to surf – teaching them to break through fear  barriers which gives them courage to rise to the occasion in other  areas  of their lives. You can learn more about Shelby by visiting  her podcast  website Also, as a Learn to Live Stress Free podcast listener, you can take advantage of Shelby’s free gift to our listeners 4 Tips to Living Wildly at wildideasworthliving/stressfreenow.

ShelbyStangerHeadShot ShelbyStangerSurfing





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