June Davidson, PhD, Discusses The Benefits of Coaching

Podcast Episode 054                                                    Release Date: 03/25/2016



On this podcast Dr. June Davidson, President of the American Seminars Leaders Association and Coaching Firm International, explains the value of coaching. Learn her unique strategies for letting go of limiting behavior and moving forward with decisive action. Whether dealing with family members, friends or co-workers you may find that coaching is the technique you need to use.  June Davidson is an award winning entrepreneur, certified master action coach, a seminar leader, trainer, public speaker and author. To learn more about June and her team of coaches visit either of her websites:  www.coachingfirminternational.com or www.asla.com.


Lee Weber Discusses Rising Above the Pain and Debilitating Effects of Addiction

Podcast Episode 053                                                      Release Date: 3/18/2016

Lee Weber Addiction Blog 2On this podcast Lee Weber, Editor-in-Chief of Addiction Blog shares her story of addiction recovery and her mission to inform others about addiction treatments and its options. On Addiction Blog, Lee combines communications, content creation, and community development to assist and provide hope to others in need of recovery. Lee describes the underlying causes of addiction, the damaging effects of long-term abuse and the various treatments, resources, and support systems available to addicts including Allies in Recovery and CRAFT – Community Reinforcement and Family Training that focus on changing debilitating patterns and behaviors. Lee Weber is an expert on the subject matter who gives the sobering statistics on predisposition to drug use and addiction, the psycho-emotional triggers that lead to addiction, and the neuroscience and hormonal changes that may hold the keys to understanding addiction and it’s successful treatment.  Learn more at addictionblog.org or email Lee at Lee@addictionblog.org.

Dr. Robert Weil Discusses How to Stay Healthy While Playing Sports and Prevent Unnecessary Injuries – Part Two

Podcast Episode 052                                                     Release Date: 3/11/2016

Dr Robert Weil from Sun-Times MediaOn this podcast Dr. Robert A. Weil, Doctor of Podiatry Medicine, who is affectionately known as Dr. Bob, the Sports Doctor continues to share his views on how and why taking proper care of your feet is so important. Dr. Bob discusses the types of injuries patients come in with from wearing high heel shoes and what practical solutions work to minimize pain and discomfort. He also advises parents on how best to handle the challenges they face keeping their children safe while playing sports and avoiding overuse injuries and concussions. Dr. Bob is the host of The Sports Doctor, heard on http://www.healthylife.net, Wednesdays at 3PM Central Time.  He was formerly on radio station WDCB 90.9 FM in Chicago for more than 20 years. You can learn more about how Dr. Bob can help you up your sports game including injury prevention, visit his website at http://www.sportsdoctorradio.com/.

Dr. Ken Jennings Discusses the Critical Role Re-Inventing Yourself Plays in Career Success

Podcast Episode 051                                                         Release Date: 3/19/2016

Ken JenningsOn this podcast environmental scientist and consultant Dr. Ken Jennings discusses how and why re-inventing yourself leads to career success. Dr. Jennings has over 25 years of experience working in government, industry, and consulting. While in government, he worked at the US EPA Headquarters while in the private sector he worked for Amoco, Shell and Microsoft Corporations. Ken’s areas of expertise include sustainability, energy, and climate change in Africa and the Caribbean. He is an Adjunct Professor of Environmental Management for the University of Maryland University Center and consults for major industries and governments. Dr. Jennings earned a BS in geology and geophysics from Yale, a Masters in geology from the University of California Santa Barbara, and a Doctorate in environmental science and engineering from UCLA. He is married and has one daughter. Dr. Jennings shares his philosophy on the value of teamwork in competition, being proactive rather than reactive, how he navigated bullying from the school yard to the workplace, and his strategies for career versatility. To learn more about Ken’s work as Managing Director of K2J, visit his website: www.k2jenvironmental.com. To contact Ken, you can email him at kvbjii@icloud.com, call him at 425-785-8963 or reach him using his Twitter handle @kvbj47.